i'm using optgroup in my asp page like below. objRS2 is taken from a table called BusinessCategories with 4 columns ID, BroadItem, Item, RelatedItem.
The values in the list should be drawn from column Item. Each item will have a broaditem associated so the table may look like this
1, Agriculture and animal welfare, Agricultural colleges,""
2, Agriculture and animal welfare, Animal feed mills, ""
3, Agriculture and animal welfare, Animal grooming, ""
4, Business Services, Auctioneering, ""
5, Business Services, Consulting, ""
I am breaking up the optgroup labels using a filter, which although works I'm worried might end up being quite slow and repetitive (I will end up with about 25 distinct BroadItems and 1000 Item's, so I'll have to repeat the code below 25 times !
any ideas how i can improve this ?
many thanks
i'm using optgroup in my asp page like below. objRS2 is taken from a table called BusinessCategories with 4 columns ID, BroadItem, Item, RelatedItem.
The values in the list should be drawn from column Item. Each item will have a broaditem associated so the table may look like this
1, Agriculture and animal welfare, Agricultural colleges,""
2, Agriculture and animal welfare, Animal feed mills, ""
3, Agriculture and animal welfare, Animal grooming, ""
4, Business Services, Auctioneering, ""
5, Business Services, Consulting, ""
I am breaking up the optgroup labels using a filter, which although works I'm worried might end up being quite slow and repetitive (I will end up with about 25 distinct BroadItems and 1000 Item's, so I'll have to repeat the code below 25 times !
any ideas how i can improve this ?
many thanks
b = b & " <div>"
b = b & "<label for=""cat"">Business Type<br />(Use Ctrl key for multiple selection(s))</label>"
b = b & "<SELECT class=""a"" id=""cat"" name=""cat"" SIZE=""8"" tabindex=""18"" MULTIPLE>"
Dim arrValues, j
If ErrorMsg1 = "" Then
arrValues = split(Cat, ",")
arrValues = split(request.form("Cat"), ",")
end if
do while not objRS2.eof
b = b & "<optgroup label=""Business Services"">"
objRS2.Filter = ("BroadItem = 'Business services'")
for j = 0 to UBound(arrValues)
if trim(arrValues(j)) = objRS2("Item") then
b = b & "<OPTION selected value=""" & objRS2("Item") & """>" & objRS2("Item") & "</OPTION>"
exit for
end if
if j > UBound(arrValues) then
b = b & "<OPTION value=""" & objRS2("Item") & """>" & objRS2("Item") & "</OPTION>"
end if
objRS2.Filter = adFilterNone
b = b & "</OPTGROUP>"
b = b & "</SELECT>"
b = b & " </div>"
etc etc....................