I have orderid, customer name and orderamt
1, abc, 950
2, abd, 500
3, abe, 450
4, abf, 1950
5, abg, 1200
6, abx, 2200
7, aby, 2500
8, abz, 2700
9, abxx, 2800
10, abzz, 3100
I want to pass one parameter number, 100 or 500 or 1000 so that the order amt results are grouped based on
parameter number.
For ex if I pass 500 as parameter, I want to see data grouped in 500`s
0 - 500
abd 500
abe 450
501 - 1000
abc 950
1001 - 1500
abg 1200
1501 - 2000
abf 1950
2001 - 2500
abx 2200
aby 2500
2501 - 3000
abz 2700
abxx 2800
3001 - 3500
abzz - 3100
If I pass 1000 as parameter, I want to see data grouped in 1000`s like
0 - 1000
abd 500
abe 450
abc 950
1001 - 2000
abg 1200
abf 1950
2001 - 3000
abx 2200
aby 2500
abz 2700
abxx 2800
3001 - 4000
abzz 3100
Any help is appreciated.
1, abc, 950
2, abd, 500
3, abe, 450
4, abf, 1950
5, abg, 1200
6, abx, 2200
7, aby, 2500
8, abz, 2700
9, abxx, 2800
10, abzz, 3100
I want to pass one parameter number, 100 or 500 or 1000 so that the order amt results are grouped based on
parameter number.
For ex if I pass 500 as parameter, I want to see data grouped in 500`s
0 - 500
abd 500
abe 450
501 - 1000
abc 950
1001 - 1500
abg 1200
1501 - 2000
abf 1950
2001 - 2500
abx 2200
aby 2500
2501 - 3000
abz 2700
abxx 2800
3001 - 3500
abzz - 3100
If I pass 1000 as parameter, I want to see data grouped in 1000`s like
0 - 1000
abd 500
abe 450
abc 950
1001 - 2000
abg 1200
abf 1950
2001 - 3000
abx 2200
aby 2500
abz 2700
abxx 2800
3001 - 4000
abzz 3100
Any help is appreciated.