I have a CR8.5 report that groups by call type giving a group count. The report is working fine. Lately it was discovered that the call type field wasn't required and lots of records were entered without a call type. I wanted to modify the report so that all the records without a call type would be included in the count for one of the existing call types. I tried a couple of different formulas but without the success that I wanted. Here is a sample of the code:
if Isnull({CR_View_for_Steve.CallType}) then "Service Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Service Request" then "Service Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Access Request" then "Access Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Consultation" then "Consultation"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Engineer Request" then "Engineer Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Install Request" then "Install Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Phone Request" then "Phone Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "T&M Request" then "T&M Request"
The report runs but I end up with 2 groups that say service request. The first group is where service request was actually selected. The last group is also a group that says service request and the count matches the number of records that call type wasn't selected. My question is two-fold: Does anyone know why the records doesn't fall into just one group called service request and how do I get it to do what I want.
if Isnull({CR_View_for_Steve.CallType}) then "Service Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Service Request" then "Service Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Access Request" then "Access Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Consultation" then "Consultation"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Engineer Request" then "Engineer Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Install Request" then "Install Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "Phone Request" then "Phone Request"
else if {CR_View_for_Steve.CallType} = "T&M Request" then "T&M Request"
The report runs but I end up with 2 groups that say service request. The first group is where service request was actually selected. The last group is also a group that says service request and the count matches the number of records that call type wasn't selected. My question is two-fold: Does anyone know why the records doesn't fall into just one group called service request and how do I get it to do what I want.