I am trying to create a report that will show all of the requests made by a manager and their current status. At the end I want to total the # for each status
My SQL looks like this
Which gives me data that looks like...
BJONES | New Request | 5
BJONES | Waiting on Requestor | 3
JSMITH | New Request | 2
JSMITH | Waiting on Requestor | 4
The purpose of this report is to show the volume and current status of requests by a manager submited within a date range
I have the report grouped by manager
I would like to put a total for each status at the end of the report - how can I do this? - I have tried groups and Switch statements but I think I am going the wrong way - any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I am trying to create a report that will show all of the requests made by a manager and their current status. At the end I want to total the # for each status
My SQL looks like this
select upper(ac.contact) as 'Manager',
AL2.Lookup_Description, count(*) as 'Count'
from AT_date AD
join AT_request AR
on AD.projectno=AR.projectno
and AD.requestno=AR.requestno
left join AT_Lookup AL2
on AR.Status = AL2.Lookup_value
and AL2.fieldname='Date_Type'
join AT_Contact AC
on AC.projectno=AR.projectno
and AC.requestno=AR.requestno
and AC.contact_type='MM'
where AD.Date_type='SO'
and AD.date_enter >= @STARTDATE
and AD.date_enter <= @ENDDATE
group by upper(ac.contact), Lookup_Description
order by manager, case LOOKUP_Description
when 'In Production' then 'A'
when 'Dev & Test Complete' then 'B'
when 'In Development' then 'C'
else LOOKUP_Description end
Which gives me data that looks like...
BJONES | New Request | 5
BJONES | Waiting on Requestor | 3
JSMITH | New Request | 2
JSMITH | Waiting on Requestor | 4
The purpose of this report is to show the volume and current status of requests by a manager submited within a date range
I have the report grouped by manager
I would like to put a total for each status at the end of the report - how can I do this? - I have tried groups and Switch statements but I think I am going the wrong way - any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance