I am trying to obtain a total a running total field for each group which is a different date and need to reset this running total at the start of the new Group/date. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
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You might proofread your posts as well, this is unclear: "I am trying to obtain a total a running total field for each group"
Are you stating that you're trying to total a running total?
To perform summary functions in most versions of Crystal for a given group, you would create the group (Insert->Group->Select the date field), and then drop the field that you want to total into the details, right click it and select insert->summary->sum.
You might also select insert grand total if need be at the same time.
Sorry about being unclear I was in a bit of a rush.
As for the version it is Crystal 9.
As for the total on the running total field it cannot be summarized it is already summarizing another field I have on the report thus I don't get the 'Insert' option for this running total field.
I am trying to create a reset field using a variable at the top of the new date/group page and have the running total start calculating again (from 0) for this date/group. However this isn't working. Is this a bit more clear? Thanks.
It sounds like you are trying to create a manual running total, so you would use three formulas:
//{@reset} to be placed in the Group 1 (Date) header:
numbervar grpsum := 0;
//{@accum} to be placed in the group 2 header or footer:
numbervar grpsum := grpsum + sum({table.amt},{table.group2field});
//{@display} to be placed in the group 1 (Date) footer:
numbervar grpsum;
Since you said you were trying to summarize a summary, I assumed the summary was for an inner group (e.g., on {table.group2field}). Substitute your own summary for sum({table.amt},{table.group2field}).
If this isn't what you are looking for, please share your formulas and explain in what sections you are placing them.
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