I have a Report which is devided into Groups (by worker's name) and in every Group's Detail I have listed working history records of the worker containing earnings. Four types of earnings (in every record) are drawn to the Detail's four TextBoxes from four subreports (situated in the Deatail) by function
URE.Report!SumaUre beeing the total of specific subreport located in it.
Then I tried to make total of all the records in one Group's Deatail (for example total of all working hours in all history).
I tried placing TextBox in the Group's Footer and assingning to it function Sum([aTextBoxInDetail]).
But when I start the report the computer asks me to enter the value for [aTextBoxInDetail] which exists in the Detail.
How to make the total function in the Group's footer work?
URE.Report!SumaUre beeing the total of specific subreport located in it.
Then I tried to make total of all the records in one Group's Deatail (for example total of all working hours in all history).
I tried placing TextBox in the Group's Footer and assingning to it function Sum([aTextBoxInDetail]).
But when I start the report the computer asks me to enter the value for [aTextBoxInDetail] which exists in the Detail.
How to make the total function in the Group's footer work?