I’ve got a Crystal Report that has two groups: Group 1 is the transaction type and Group 2 is the Month.
I am trying to sort Group 2 chronologically so that the months are in the right order. I’ve been looking at the Group Sort Expert and Record Sort Expert but can’t figure it out.
The end result needs to be a chart that displays the count of the transactions per month. Right now it’s displaying it July, May, June where I need it to display May, June, July. I think its displaying it this way because it going by the count of transactions (lowest to highest). I need to override this and create a specified sort order based on the month.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve got a Crystal Report that has two groups: Group 1 is the transaction type and Group 2 is the Month.
I am trying to sort Group 2 chronologically so that the months are in the right order. I’ve been looking at the Group Sort Expert and Record Sort Expert but can’t figure it out.
The end result needs to be a chart that displays the count of the transactions per month. Right now it’s displaying it July, May, June where I need it to display May, June, July. I think its displaying it this way because it going by the count of transactions (lowest to highest). I need to override this and create a specified sort order based on the month.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.