I am writing an inventory report in Crystal 9. I have this scenario:
Widget A - Warehouse 1 - Qty 1,000 on hand
Widget A - Warehouse 2 - Qty -500 on hand (negative)
Net 500 on hand
Widget B - Warehouse 1 - Qty -2,500 on hand (also negative)
Widget B - Warehouse 2 - Qty 500 on hand
Net -2,000 (negative)
Widget C - Warehouse 1 - Qty -3,000 on hand (negative)
There are detailed transactions behind each of the rows shown above. (The detail row shows the inventory transaction, the date, how many items were received, how many were sold, and the net remaining, which, when subtotaled, becomes the quantity shown above. Some of those detail rows have negative net remaining quantities, were the quantity sold is greater than the quantity received.) My report hides the details and only shows the Location summary row as shown above.
Here is my issue. I want to include the two rows for Widget A as shown, because the NET of the two locations is a positive number. I want to exclude the two rows for Widget B and the one row for Widget C, because the net of all the transactions is negative.
Originally, I suppressed detail rows where the net quantity (quantity sold is greater than quantity received) was negative. BUT, this incorrectly eliminates items where the net of all transactions, all locations is positive.
So I added a group selection formula to only select groups where the total for the item number is > 0. This correctly includes the rows for Widget A, showing those lines. But the report no longer foots; it seems to be including the other negative details in the grand total, even though the group itself doesn't seem to be included.
What am I missing? Thanks in advance!
Widget A - Warehouse 1 - Qty 1,000 on hand
Widget A - Warehouse 2 - Qty -500 on hand (negative)
Net 500 on hand
Widget B - Warehouse 1 - Qty -2,500 on hand (also negative)
Widget B - Warehouse 2 - Qty 500 on hand
Net -2,000 (negative)
Widget C - Warehouse 1 - Qty -3,000 on hand (negative)
There are detailed transactions behind each of the rows shown above. (The detail row shows the inventory transaction, the date, how many items were received, how many were sold, and the net remaining, which, when subtotaled, becomes the quantity shown above. Some of those detail rows have negative net remaining quantities, were the quantity sold is greater than the quantity received.) My report hides the details and only shows the Location summary row as shown above.
Here is my issue. I want to include the two rows for Widget A as shown, because the NET of the two locations is a positive number. I want to exclude the two rows for Widget B and the one row for Widget C, because the net of all the transactions is negative.
Originally, I suppressed detail rows where the net quantity (quantity sold is greater than quantity received) was negative. BUT, this incorrectly eliminates items where the net of all transactions, all locations is positive.
So I added a group selection formula to only select groups where the total for the item number is > 0. This correctly includes the rows for Widget A, showing those lines. But the report no longer foots; it seems to be including the other negative details in the grand total, even though the group itself doesn't seem to be included.
What am I missing? Thanks in advance!