Technical User
I need to group on a formula,
basically my columns look like:
EvtID FuncID Seq Lvl ParentID Desc
1234 110 1 1 0 Space & Charges
1234 120 1 1 0 Friday 2005\01\05
1234 122 3 1 0 Saturday 2005\01\06
1234 130 2 2 120 Catering
1234 160 4 3 130 Lunch Menu
etc etc ... if you need more details I'll put some more in.
Now, what I am trying to do is do a Grouping where the ParentID = 0 but not on Space and Charges. But after I have done this grouping I still need to access the Items on Lvl 1 or that have ParentId's. What I have tried doing now, which works to a point is do a Group on Parent ID, then choose Specified, and then Make a group on ParentID where it is equal to 0 and then discard all other items, but then After this I cannot get it to display the Catering or Lunch Menu items as they where discarded above. The other thing I thought of doing is putting this into a Sub-report, but i can't do that either as information following this, needs to go in a subreport and i can't have a subreport within a subreport.
Many Thanks
I need to group on a formula,
basically my columns look like:
EvtID FuncID Seq Lvl ParentID Desc
1234 110 1 1 0 Space & Charges
1234 120 1 1 0 Friday 2005\01\05
1234 122 3 1 0 Saturday 2005\01\06
1234 130 2 2 120 Catering
1234 160 4 3 130 Lunch Menu
etc etc ... if you need more details I'll put some more in.
Now, what I am trying to do is do a Grouping where the ParentID = 0 but not on Space and Charges. But after I have done this grouping I still need to access the Items on Lvl 1 or that have ParentId's. What I have tried doing now, which works to a point is do a Group on Parent ID, then choose Specified, and then Make a group on ParentID where it is equal to 0 and then discard all other items, but then After this I cannot get it to display the Catering or Lunch Menu items as they where discarded above. The other thing I thought of doing is putting this into a Sub-report, but i can't do that either as information following this, needs to go in a subreport and i can't have a subreport within a subreport.
Many Thanks