The following examples are applicable to both Basic and Crystal syntax:
CStr ({Orders.Shipped})
Returns "True" if the value of {Orders.Shipped} is True.
Returns "123.45".
Returns "12345.67".
Returns "12345.68".
Returns "12345".
Returns "12346".
CStr({file.AMT} * {file.QUANTITY})
Returns "44,890.20" where Amt = 24.45 and Quantity = 1836.
CStr is useful when you want to build a sentence by combining (concatenating) a converted number or other value with other text strings:
"The base price of item # " + {file.ITEM NUMBER} + " is $" + CStr({file.BASE PRICE}) + "."
Prints the sentence "The base price of item A1/4520/B12 is $50.00." where the Item number is A1/4520/B12 and the Base Price is 50.00, converted to text and formatted with two decimal places.
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