You need to explain more about what you are trying to do. What is the purpose of grouping on numbers 1 to 10? Would you be adding any other groups? Would the 1-10 group be Group #1?
voucher no. payee
1 Mary
2 John
5 Allan
6 May
7 Lori
8 Pam
10 Eman
I want to see in report if there are missing voucher nos. If payee appears blank, it means that the voucher no. is not yet entered. And I also want voucher no to be a parameter.
First create a number parameter {?Max} and then create a formula {@cnt} and insert a group on it:
numbervar cnt;
if cnt <= {?Max}-1 then
cnt := cnt + 1;
Next insert a subreport with the voucher and payee fields into the {@cnt} group header. Then go to edit->subreport links and link {@cnt} to the voucher # in the subreport.
Another solution would be to allow only the paid vouchers to display, but create a formula that would appear in the report footer that shows the missing voucher numbers. Let me know if you want to try that solution.
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