I have a report that Footer 1 has two controls that are Min_Scrap=Min[Scrap] and Max_Scrap= Max [Scrap]. I then have some code that is Total_Scrap = [Max_Scrap] – [Min_Scrap] . Footer 2 Needs to have another Total_Scrap and Sum [Total_Scrap] .
Ideally I would like to Have something like this:
‘in the format of Footer 1 event
Min_Scrap=Min[Scrap] ‘ How do you Get text Min_Scrap to equal Min[Scrap] using VBA? I know how using the Data source on the properties
Max_Scrap= Max [Scrap] ‘ Same thing I don’t know how to set the value in VBA
Total_Scrap = [Max_Scrap] – [Min_Scrap]
End Sub
‘in the format of Footer 2 event
‘ something like this
Total_Scrap2 = the sum of all the [Total_Scrap] from Footer 1
End Sub