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Group Data

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Technical User
May 28, 2001
Please help me group the data from the table. The data should look like this:



There is always Department and members under it. But sometimes there are no subdepartments. but it is not grouping properly. The members go to different Department or Subdepartment.

Here's my code
<!-- #include file="../global/basePath.asp" -->
	* Variables that are used by this file
	var filename = basePath() + "/intranet/data/phone_list.mdb";
	var sql = "SELECT * FROM PhoneList_by_Department";
	var subfields = "department,subdepartment";	

	// Variables to hold database objects
	var rs, conn; 
	// Create a database connection object
	conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
	// Create a recordset object
	rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"); 

	// Attempt to open the database we want to use
		conn.open ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + filename);
		Response.write("<font size='4'><b>Fatal Script Error:</font><br><br>" + 

	// Get names of subfields into an array
	var subfield_names = subfields.split(",");
	// Declare the subfield arrays
	eval( "var " + subfields);	

	// Create an array of each subfield
	for (var i = 0; i < subfield_names.length; i++)
		// Open the table given by subfield_names[i]
		rs = conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM " + subfield_names[i] + " ORDER BY " + 

subfield_names[i] + "_id");
		// Loop through records, getting values from the table and storing them in a 

comma delimited list
		var value_list = "";
		while (!rs.EOF)
			if (value_list.length > 0)
				value_list += ",";
			value_list += "\"" + unescape( rs.Fields(1) ) + "\"";
		// Assign to an array
		eval ( subfield_names[i] + " = new Array(" + value_list + ")" );

		// Close the recordset
	// Get a recordset from a table
	rs = conn.Execute (sql);


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
	<!-- #include file="script.asp" -->
	<!-- #include file="../global/header.asp" -->

<!-- the following is a bar with a message and the date -->
	<table border="0" cellspacing="0"  cellpadding="0" width="80%">
			<td height="10"></td>
		<tr><td colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#EEE5C9"></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#CC9900"></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#D0A832"></td></tr>
		    <td class="h_title" height="25"> Phone Directory - Departmental Listings</td>
		<tr><td colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#EEE5C9"></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#CC9900"></td></tr>
		<tr><td colspan="3" height="1" bgcolor="#D0A832"></td></tr>

	// Display records by department using the write_records() function
	write_records("SELECT * FROM PhoneList_by_Department", "department", "FALSE", conn);
	// Close database connections

And here's the other code that process the array:
*  FUNCTION write_records(sql, group_by, is_search)
*  sql       - the SQL statement indicating the records to be printed
*  group_by  - the grouping to group the records by
*  is_search - is this a search? used to print message if no search results are found
*  This function is used to write the records that are returned from the database
*     using the sql statement to the page, in the grouping that is specified.
function write_records(sql, group_by, is_search, db)
	// Open recordset according to SQL statement given
	rs = conn.Execute(sql);

	// Check if there are any search results by testing if the recordset is initially at
	//    the end of file, and thus empty
	var no_results = false;
	if (is_search == "TRUE" && rs.EOF)
		// Write a did not find any results message
		Response.write( "<p class='h_text'>Sorry, the search <b>\"" + query + "\"</b> didn't return any results. 

</p>" );
		// Indicate for later that no records were returned by the search
		no_results = true;

	// Write a link to the previous page; the link text is different depending on if
	//    it is a search or not
	if ( is_search == "TRUE" )
		Response.write("<p><a href='/intranet/phone_list/index.asp'>");
		Response.write("Search again");
	// Cycle through all records in the recordset and print them
	var lastname = "";
	var dept_current = -1;
	var dept_heading = -1;
	var subdept_current = -1;
	var subdept_heading = -1;
	var letter = "0";

	while (!rs.EOF)
		// Get the last name and the dept_current into a format we can use
		lastname = unescape(rs.Fields("last_name").value);
		dept_current = rs.Fields("department").value;
		subdept_current = rs.Fields("subdepartment").value;

		// Check if there is a different (first letter of) last_name  or department heading to write
		if ( group_by == "last_name" && lastname.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() != letter )
			if ( letter != "0" )
				Response.Write( "<br>" );
			// Set new (first letter of) last_name, print the heading in 'section' style
			letter = lastname.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(); 
			// Print the lastname in uppercase in a table
			printHeading( letter, 100);
		if ( group_by == "department")
			// Check for new department heading
			if ( dept_current != dept_heading )
				// Set new department heading, print the heading in 'section' style
				dept_heading = dept_current;

				//If the department is blank, say '(no department specific)
				//if ( department[dept_heading] == "null")
					//printHeading( "(no department specified)", 600);
					printHeading( department[dept_heading], 600) ;
				// Check for subdepartment headings
			// Check for new subdepartment heading
			if ( subdept_current != subdept_heading )
				// Set new department heading, print the heading in 'section' style
				subdept_heading = subdept_current;
				// If the department is blank, say '(no department specific)
				//if ( subdepartment[dept_heading] == "null")
					//Response.write( "<p class='h_section'>(no department specified)</p>");
					printHeading( subdepartment[dept_heading], 600 ) ;


		// Print the records in 'text' style
		Response.write( "<span class='h_text'>");

		// Determine if any formatting of last name and first name is needed
		//    bold if record is a department head
		//    italic if record is an admin team leader
		var department_head = unescape(rs.Fields("department_head").value) == "true";
		var admin_team_leader =  unescape(rs.Fields("admin_team_leader").value) == "true";
		if ( department_head )
		if ( admin_team_leader )
		Response.write( lastname.toUpperCase() );

		// Print first name and end any special formatting
		if ( rs.Fields("first_name").ActualSize > 0)
			Response.write( ", " + rs.Fields("first_name").value );
			// End special formatting if it exists
			if ( admin_team_leader )
			if ( department_head )
		// Print the job_title, dept_current and both phone numbers if they exist
		if ( rs.Fields("job_title").ActualSize > 0)
			Response.write( " – " + rs.Fields("job_title").value );
		if ( rs.Fields("phone_no_1").ActualSize > 0)
			Response.write( ", " + rs.Fields("phone_no_1").value );
		if ( rs.Fields("phone_no_2").ActualSize > 0)
			Response.write( ", " + rs.Fields("phone_no_2").value );

		// Print images of heart for CPR or Blackberry if record has these designations
		if ( unescape(rs.Fields("has_CPR_training").value) == "true" )
			Response.write(" <img border=\"0\" src=\"../images/cpr.gif\" WIDTH=\"11\" HEIGHT=\"10\">");
		if ( unescape(rs.Fields("has_blackberry").value) == "true" )
			Response.write(" <img border=\"0\" src=\"../images/berry.gif\" WIDTH=\"14\" HEIGHT=\"10\">");

		// Print to the next line next time
		Response.write( "<br>");

		// End the style tag
		Response.write( "</span>");

		// Go to next record

	// Write legend at bottom of document
	if (! no_results) // prevent extra space from being printed when there are no search results
		Response.write( "<br>");
	Response.write( "<br>");
	Response.write( "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='#111111' 

width='261' cellpadding='0' id='AutoNumber1'>");
	Response.write( "<tr><td width='253' colspan='3' bgcolor='#CC9900' height='1'></td></tr><tr>");
	Response.write( "<td width='1' bgcolor='#CC9900'></td><td width='222'>");
	Response.write( "<span class='h_text'><p><br>");
	Response.write( "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b><u>LEGEND<br>");
	Response.write( "</u>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </b>");
	// --- display image of a heart
	Response.write( "<img src='../images/cpr.gif' border='0' width='11' height='10'> ");
	Response.write( "Employee has CPR training<br>");
	Response.write( "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
	// --- display image of a blackberry
	Response.write( "<img src='../images/berry.gif' border='0' width='14' height='10'> ");
	Response.write( "Employee is a Blackberry user<br>");
	Response.write( "<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Department Head</b><br>");
	Response.write( "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
	Response.write( "<i>Admin Team Leader</i>");
	Response.write( "</span><br><br></p></td><td width='2' bgcolor='#CC9900'></td></tr><tr>");
	Response.write( "<td width='253' colspan='3' bgcolor='#CC9900' height='2'></td></tr></table><br><br>");
I may be wrong, but you may be over-complicating this. You should be able to much more easily group everything in your original SQL statement. If you could give a better breakdown of how your table(s) look and the data you're expecting back, we might be able to help you devise a better recordset that would then be much easier to process.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
- Winston Churchill
yes i agree...do this grouping at the sql query level...
please post your tables and some sample data...we can then come up with a query that would be easy to display as desired...

I acutally created a view and use the view of the table instead:
SELECT phone_list.Department, department.department_name, phone_list.Subdepartment, subdepartment.subdepartment_name, phone_list.Last_Name, phone_list.First_Name, phone_list.Job_Title, phone_list.Phone_No_1, phone_list.Phone_No_2, phone_list.Email_Address, phone_list.Birthday, phone_list.Department_Head, phone_list.Admin_Team_Leader, phone_list.Has_CPR_Training, phone_list.Has_Blackberry
FROM (phone_list LEFT JOIN department ON phone_list.Department = department.department_id) LEFT JOIN subdepartment ON phone_list.Subdepartment = subdepartment.subdepartment_id
GROUP BY phone_list.Department, department.department_name, phone_list.Subdepartment, subdepartment.subdepartment_name, phone_list.Last_Name, phone_list.First_Name, phone_list.Job_Title, phone_list.Phone_No_1, phone_list.Phone_No_2, phone_list.Email_Address, phone_list.Birthday, phone_list.Department_Head, phone_list.Admin_Team_Leader, phone_list.Has_CPR_Training, phone_list.Has_Blackberry
HAVING (((phone_list.Department)<>0))
ORDER BY phone_list.Department, phone_list.Subdepartment, phone_list.Last_Name;

Can you clarify what data you are looking to return and where your problems are?

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
- Winston Churchill
There are 2 options on displaying the data. Alphabetical or by Department. If alphabetical names there are no problems but if the option is by Department, the group get mix up.
I'm sorry but I do not have a lot of time to try to review this but I think you may be better served by writing two separate queries/views that will do your grouping for you and then then using those as needed/called as opposed to writing the grouping within your ASP code.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
- Winston Churchill
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