Hi and thanks in advance for wisdom.
Using CR XI and SQL Database
I have a report that snapshots some projects & their resources.
Group 1 {project.currentphase)
Group 2 {project.class}
Group 3 (project.name}
Group 1 and 2 are suppresed an in group 3 I have a summary of the group phases for Requirements, Design & Development.
Each of these phases are actually detail data from another table called task. Project table to task table is a 1 to many relationship.
So, I have formulas for the tasks to define the task resource.
if [task.type}="Requirements" then {Task.Resource}
if [task.type}="Design" then {Task.Resource}
if [task.type}startswith "Development" then {Task.Resource}
there are only 1 task per project that can be a Design or Resource but there may be up to 3 tasks for Development.
So, for {@RequirementsResource} and {@DesignResource} i have inserted maximum summary by group and placed that into the Group 3 header.
for {DevelopmentResource} these remain in the details. Group 3 header is formatted to underlay so that the appearance for all resources appears on one line.
So for example the data is actually like this:
Current phase class Projects Task Resource
Requirements A My Project 1 Requirements
Requirements A My Project 1 Design fred8
Requirements A My Project 1 Development X kristal9
Requirements A My Project 1 Development Y team b
Requirements A My Project 1 Development Z team c
Development C My Project 2 Requirements dave7
Development C My Project 2 Design alan4
Development C My Project 2 Development X team a
Development C My Project 2 Development Y teamb
Development C My Project 2 Development Z fred8
Requirements B My Project 3 Requirements
Requirements B My Project 3 Design
Requirements B My Project 3 Development X
the way it displays is:
Current phase class Projects Requirements Design Development
Requirements A My Project 1 fred8 kristal9
team b
team c
Development C My Project 2 dave7 alan4 team a
team b
Requirements B My Project 3 dwayne1 fred8
Everything works fine except that (ironically) 3/4 way through developing the report, they changed the requirements.
If you notice the resources may be blank (a null value) or a person or a team.
So, what they now want is to have another group between the Group 1 current phase and group 2 project type that will group by whether any of the resources per project are null, or whether any of the resources are a team or whether all of the resources are assigned to a person.
So that if you were to look at the group tree it would display:
Group 1: Current Phase
Group 2: Missing Resources
Group 3: Project Type
Group 4: Project Name
Group 1: Current Phase
Group 2: Team Resourced
Group 3: project Type
Group 4: Project Name
Group 1: Current Phase
Group 2: Completely Resources (e.g. persons assigned)
Group 3: project Type
Group 4: Project Name
Determining by task the resource assignment can be done by a formula
if isnull({Task.Resource}) then "Missing Resource" else
if {Task.Resource} startswith "Team" then "Team Resourced" else "Assigned Resource"
But I am thrown by trying to make this a group prior to the group of the project itself.
In my sample data above, if i were to group by {@taskAssigned} and place that as group 2 where the project group becomes group 4, then "My Project 1" would actually show up 3 times on the report because it has three instances where the resource is one of the 3 scenarios. (missing, team assigned and assigned)
It should show up only once and under "Missing Resources" because is one of the task.resources is a null value that should be evaulated first.
I should also mention that apparently it is also possible for a project to not have any or all of the tasks. So a project may have only Requirements & Design but not have a task detail for Development. In this case, that project should also appear under the group 2 for data of "Missing Resources"
Please let me know if anyone can possibly help.
Using CR XI and SQL Database
I have a report that snapshots some projects & their resources.
Group 1 {project.currentphase)
Group 2 {project.class}
Group 3 (project.name}
Group 1 and 2 are suppresed an in group 3 I have a summary of the group phases for Requirements, Design & Development.
Each of these phases are actually detail data from another table called task. Project table to task table is a 1 to many relationship.
So, I have formulas for the tasks to define the task resource.
if [task.type}="Requirements" then {Task.Resource}
if [task.type}="Design" then {Task.Resource}
if [task.type}startswith "Development" then {Task.Resource}
there are only 1 task per project that can be a Design or Resource but there may be up to 3 tasks for Development.
So, for {@RequirementsResource} and {@DesignResource} i have inserted maximum summary by group and placed that into the Group 3 header.
for {DevelopmentResource} these remain in the details. Group 3 header is formatted to underlay so that the appearance for all resources appears on one line.
So for example the data is actually like this:
Current phase class Projects Task Resource
Requirements A My Project 1 Requirements
Requirements A My Project 1 Design fred8
Requirements A My Project 1 Development X kristal9
Requirements A My Project 1 Development Y team b
Requirements A My Project 1 Development Z team c
Development C My Project 2 Requirements dave7
Development C My Project 2 Design alan4
Development C My Project 2 Development X team a
Development C My Project 2 Development Y teamb
Development C My Project 2 Development Z fred8
Requirements B My Project 3 Requirements
Requirements B My Project 3 Design
Requirements B My Project 3 Development X
the way it displays is:
Current phase class Projects Requirements Design Development
Requirements A My Project 1 fred8 kristal9
team b
team c
Development C My Project 2 dave7 alan4 team a
team b
Requirements B My Project 3 dwayne1 fred8
Everything works fine except that (ironically) 3/4 way through developing the report, they changed the requirements.
If you notice the resources may be blank (a null value) or a person or a team.
So, what they now want is to have another group between the Group 1 current phase and group 2 project type that will group by whether any of the resources per project are null, or whether any of the resources are a team or whether all of the resources are assigned to a person.
So that if you were to look at the group tree it would display:
Group 1: Current Phase
Group 2: Missing Resources
Group 3: Project Type
Group 4: Project Name
Group 1: Current Phase
Group 2: Team Resourced
Group 3: project Type
Group 4: Project Name
Group 1: Current Phase
Group 2: Completely Resources (e.g. persons assigned)
Group 3: project Type
Group 4: Project Name
Determining by task the resource assignment can be done by a formula
if isnull({Task.Resource}) then "Missing Resource" else
if {Task.Resource} startswith "Team" then "Team Resourced" else "Assigned Resource"
But I am thrown by trying to make this a group prior to the group of the project itself.
In my sample data above, if i were to group by {@taskAssigned} and place that as group 2 where the project group becomes group 4, then "My Project 1" would actually show up 3 times on the report because it has three instances where the resource is one of the 3 scenarios. (missing, team assigned and assigned)
It should show up only once and under "Missing Resources" because is one of the task.resources is a null value that should be evaulated first.
I should also mention that apparently it is also possible for a project to not have any or all of the tasks. So a project may have only Requirements & Design but not have a task detail for Development. In this case, that project should also appear under the group 2 for data of "Missing Resources"
Please let me know if anyone can possibly help.