I am running Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition R2. I have a couple of issues. First one is that when I try to run the Group Policy results on any PC other then the 2003 Machine I get Failed to connect to DTI\My_PC (DTI is the domain, My_PC is my laptop that I joined to the domain) due to the error listed below. Ensure that the windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is enabled on the target computer. The error below is RPC server is unavailable. I verfied that the service is started and I have restarted, rebooted and I get the same thing. I also have in Security Options Interactive Logon: Message text for users... I have something there and that doesnt come up. My other policy which is not to show the previous login name works.
Any help in what I am doing wrong would be appreciated. If more info is needed just let me know.
Any help in what I am doing wrong would be appreciated. If more info is needed just let me know.