Mark & Quote Quote Hi Guys,
Im looking over a nearly coming GridStor implementation, and was curious about this forums experience with that. ?
The Gridstor will affect 6 MA's, and properly 1 IC server. ( Is it required to have a standAlone IndexCache server, for the Shared Index cache? Or can one of the MA's be responsable for that?) Also, Is there gonna be a dedicated "GridStore MA", or is it all of the MA's there are "GridStor Serveres", when configuring Alternate data paths+
Which process is there to follow, and is there any requirements that must be followed?
Last thing, It was seeking some valid information/guide on books online, about the implementation, but could'nt find any thing... So either im searching wrong, or there is a lag of that information... So any of you guys have some "must have" documentation about this ??
Many Thanks,