I just wrote another thread asking this question below on May 11 and thanks to "MIKE" for his help using the command in Grid in Column.text1 (furtherest to the right) in LostFocus event.
KEYBOARD 'dnarrow'
This does work and the other textboxes in Row#1, columns
2-6 remain the same as I want it but Column1.text1, Row#1
now says 'DNARROW' in the textbox and the stock# dissapears. In other words when I press the Tab Key in the Coloum furtherest to right it won't CHANGE THE ROW to next Row down. What command can I use to tell the GRID to DROP DOWN to the next row without using the arrow UP & DOWN Keys
and not returning back to the begining of the SAME ROW
instead of the NEXT ROW DOWN? Most likely this command
should go in the LOSTFOCUS EVENT in Column.Textbox1 furtherest to the right, If I'm wrong, let me know!
This was easy for me in FOXPRO 2.6
@prow,1 +1
How can I do this within a GRID ??
Thanks for any help you can give me.
KEYBOARD 'dnarrow'
This does work and the other textboxes in Row#1, columns
2-6 remain the same as I want it but Column1.text1, Row#1
now says 'DNARROW' in the textbox and the stock# dissapears. In other words when I press the Tab Key in the Coloum furtherest to right it won't CHANGE THE ROW to next Row down. What command can I use to tell the GRID to DROP DOWN to the next row without using the arrow UP & DOWN Keys
and not returning back to the begining of the SAME ROW
instead of the NEXT ROW DOWN? Most likely this command
should go in the LOSTFOCUS EVENT in Column.Textbox1 furtherest to the right, If I'm wrong, let me know!
This was easy for me in FOXPRO 2.6
@prow,1 +1
How can I do this within a GRID ??
Thanks for any help you can give me.