Sometimes, the layout of some of my grids change when their datasources are modified. The grid's display switch to the one I'll get if the header's caption and columns width were set to default. Header's captions become the name of the table fields used as datasource, and columns width are scaled to the variables contained in the corresponding fields.
In the present case, the Grid is used to display components from a stock, and the user can choose between various filter (using combo boxes) to access the data more quickly.
The grid, initialy blank, is displayed correctly at the beginning.
The first use of the filters also works fine, the components selected fill the grid's datasource, and the grid keeps it intended display. But from then, if the filters are changed, the grid seems to loose it's settings. The targeted components are displayed, but the grid's headers and columns width get messed up as stated above. Futhermore, the methods associated to the grid's headers are lost (in my case the feature of ordering by ascending or descending value of one variable simply by clicking the column's header).
Any ideas as to what causes the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Pierre Carabin
In the present case, the Grid is used to display components from a stock, and the user can choose between various filter (using combo boxes) to access the data more quickly.
The grid, initialy blank, is displayed correctly at the beginning.
The first use of the filters also works fine, the components selected fill the grid's datasource, and the grid keeps it intended display. But from then, if the filters are changed, the grid seems to loose it's settings. The targeted components are displayed, but the grid's headers and columns width get messed up as stated above. Futhermore, the methods associated to the grid's headers are lost (in my case the feature of ordering by ascending or descending value of one variable simply by clicking the column's header).
Any ideas as to what causes the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Pierre Carabin