I'm using VB 5.0 and using a "grid" which I think is a tool from vb 4.0. I use a recursive function to search the grid and select those registers one by one which coincide with my search criteria, at which point a msgbox is used to either proceed to the next register or exit the search. The problem is that if the register is within the first 15 rows of the grid the cell is not highlighted on the screen. (15 rows being the number of rows on screen). once the grid has to scroll to show the register (for example: row 25) then the cell is highlighted with no problem. Is there a way to force the focus onto the cell? Is the problem that the msgbox has the focus? and if so why does this not affect all rows equally. I need some way to show on which row the search has paused even if the there are less than 15 registers in the grid.
I hope I've explained my problem ok! Any ideas on solution greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
I hope I've explained my problem ok! Any ideas on solution greatly appreciated. thanks in advance