Hi , i play ShipSim2008 on my windows OS and the other day i decieded to give ASPlinux a try , so i downloaded it and burned etc.... and when i came to the install i made sure it said STORAGE drive (E
, so it installed on storage drive and it accepted it and stuff , so when i got it up and running i decieded to go on to WINDOWS wich is on my Main drive (C
and play SS08 , so i open it up and im expecting a loading screen to come up..... but i dont i get a grey loading screen flash up and the go away again and then i get another grey screen in the top left of the screen. I have posted this issue on ShipSim 08 offical forum and they said they dont know why its happening and then they told me to come here and see if you guys can solve. i have a screenshot wich i will upload if this is useful..
Please help...... all i want to do is play the game
Please help...... all i want to do is play the game