Since yesterday my screen has showed some disconcerting behaviour. On dark background green horizontal lines appear on my CRT. On bright background the lines disappear completely. At the top of my CRT those lines are very densely packed, maybe 3mm or 1/8" apart. At the bottom maybe 24mm or 1". Switching to a lower resolution (1600x1200 is standard) widens the gaps beween the lines. Also the brightness of these lines sometimes varies.
They disappear if I turn brightness all the way up, but that's not very comfortable to work with.
Anyone have an idea for a cause? I guess it's a problem with the monitor, but I hope it's the graphics card (as it is a lot cheaper).
If it's the monitor, could it be a small transistor problem or something that might be cheaper to repair than to buy a new monitor?
They disappear if I turn brightness all the way up, but that's not very comfortable to work with.
Anyone have an idea for a cause? I guess it's a problem with the monitor, but I hope it's the graphics card (as it is a lot cheaper).
If it's the monitor, could it be a small transistor problem or something that might be cheaper to repair than to buy a new monitor?