Has anyone ever created a graph that showed a specific color per result on a bar graph?
For example: count of maybe = blue
Count of yes = green
Count of no = red
I can assign a color by sequence – ie: 1st result blue, second result green and third result red, then sort maybe as 1, yes as 2 and no as 3. But if only the first and third are returned, the colors are wrong (blue green instead of blue red) . Any ideas or examples of rdl’s that do this?
For example: count of maybe = blue
Count of yes = green
Count of no = red
I can assign a color by sequence – ie: 1st result blue, second result green and third result red, then sort maybe as 1, yes as 2 and no as 3. But if only the first and third are returned, the colors are wrong (blue green instead of blue red) . Any ideas or examples of rdl’s that do this?