I'm playing around with Crystal and i've run into a problem and I can't find a solution.
Here's sample data:
Year type value
2002 blue 1
2002 yellow 2
2002 green 1
2003 blue 3
2003 yellow 2
2003 green 2
Now I want to graph it so that the x-axis will show the year and the type for each record and the y axis will store the 'value' column. I can only get to display the Year on the x-axis, but the columns show the correct data, the year is just repeated 3 times for each of the types, it's annoying because there is nothing that identifies the type on the x-axis.
Here's what the x-axis looks like:
. . . . . .
2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003
And I want it to show the type also, such as:
. . . . . .
2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003
blue yellow green blue yellow green
It seems like there would be a simple solution, but I just can't find it.
I'm playing around with Crystal and i've run into a problem and I can't find a solution.
Here's sample data:
Year type value
2002 blue 1
2002 yellow 2
2002 green 1
2003 blue 3
2003 yellow 2
2003 green 2
Now I want to graph it so that the x-axis will show the year and the type for each record and the y axis will store the 'value' column. I can only get to display the Year on the x-axis, but the columns show the correct data, the year is just repeated 3 times for each of the types, it's annoying because there is nothing that identifies the type on the x-axis.
Here's what the x-axis looks like:
. . . . . .
2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003
And I want it to show the type also, such as:
. . . . . .
2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003
blue yellow green blue yellow green
It seems like there would be a simple solution, but I just can't find it.