I an using the code below (in VFP6) to create my graph using (_GENGRAPH) it works fine:
SELECT mygraph1
* parm1 - "AUTOGRAPH" && required
nChartType = 3 && * parm2 - chart type (number)
nChartSubType = 1 && * parm3 - chart subtype (number)
cTitle = "Title Graph " && * parm4 - title (if not empty)
lSeriesByRow = .F. && * parm5 - series by row (.T.), by column (.F.)
lAddLegend = .T. && * parm6 - has legend (.T.)
lUseAutoformat = .T. && * parm7 - use autoformat (.F.)
cOutFile = "c:\mygraph.dbf" && * parm8 - name of output DBF for graph
cModGen = .T. && * parm9 - don't open graph when done
DO (_GENGRAPH) WITH "AUTOGRAPH", nChartType, nChartSubType, cTitle,lSeriesByRow,lAddLegend,lUseAutoformat,cOutFile,cModGen
I want to know where can i found the different value that can take nCharType and nCharSubType to have the possibility to change the type of the Graph.
How can i control color, label of the axes etc... all parameters of the graph ?.
Thank you
I an using the code below (in VFP6) to create my graph using (_GENGRAPH) it works fine:
SELECT mygraph1
* parm1 - "AUTOGRAPH" && required
nChartType = 3 && * parm2 - chart type (number)
nChartSubType = 1 && * parm3 - chart subtype (number)
cTitle = "Title Graph " && * parm4 - title (if not empty)
lSeriesByRow = .F. && * parm5 - series by row (.T.), by column (.F.)
lAddLegend = .T. && * parm6 - has legend (.T.)
lUseAutoformat = .T. && * parm7 - use autoformat (.F.)
cOutFile = "c:\mygraph.dbf" && * parm8 - name of output DBF for graph
cModGen = .T. && * parm9 - don't open graph when done
DO (_GENGRAPH) WITH "AUTOGRAPH", nChartType, nChartSubType, cTitle,lSeriesByRow,lAddLegend,lUseAutoformat,cOutFile,cModGen
I want to know where can i found the different value that can take nCharType and nCharSubType to have the possibility to change the type of the Graph.
How can i control color, label of the axes etc... all parameters of the graph ?.
Thank you