I'm creating a report to show the daily net shipping dollars for a date range. Everything on the report calculates correctly but the chart output doesn't match the Net Shipping dollars formula.
Below is how the report is structured.
Main Report:
Group1: Invoice_Detail.Ship_Date
Group2: Customer.Customer
Fields: Customer_PO, Ship_Date, Quantity, Unit_Price, "Formula" TotalShipDollars {Invoice_Detail.Quantity}*{Invoice_Detail.Unit_Price}
This formula is summerized for each ship day.
Subreport: (this is to capture customer returns)
Group1: Packlist_Header.Packlist_Date
Group2: Packlist_Detail.Packlist_Date
Fields: Customer, Customer_PO, Packlist_Date, Quantity, Unit_Price, "Formula" TotalReturnPrice ({Packlist_Detail.Quantity})*({SO_Detail.Unit_Price})
This formula is summerized for each packlist day.
I then paas the summerized TotalReturnPrice formula to the Main Report with the following formula. whileprintingrecords;
shared currencyvar PassPrice:=Sum ({@Total Return Price}, {Packlist_Header.Packlist_Date}, "daily")
On the Main Report I have the following formula for the passed value "ReturnPass".
shared currencyvar PassPrice;
This value is used in the formula "NetShippingDollars"
Sum ({@TotalShipDollars}, {Invoice_Detail.Ship_Date}, "daily")-({@ReturnPass})
The two reports are linked by the date fiels.
The "NetShippingDollars" formula works fine. The problem I'm having is when I try to make a Side by Side Bar Chart. The values that are displayed on the chart are the same as the "TotalShipDollars" forumla. The chart is setup to use the "NetShippingDollars" as the value and to change on Ship Date.
I've tried everything I can think of to get the chart ouput correct but so far no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Below is how the report is structured.
Main Report:
Group1: Invoice_Detail.Ship_Date
Group2: Customer.Customer
Fields: Customer_PO, Ship_Date, Quantity, Unit_Price, "Formula" TotalShipDollars {Invoice_Detail.Quantity}*{Invoice_Detail.Unit_Price}
This formula is summerized for each ship day.
Subreport: (this is to capture customer returns)
Group1: Packlist_Header.Packlist_Date
Group2: Packlist_Detail.Packlist_Date
Fields: Customer, Customer_PO, Packlist_Date, Quantity, Unit_Price, "Formula" TotalReturnPrice ({Packlist_Detail.Quantity})*({SO_Detail.Unit_Price})
This formula is summerized for each packlist day.
I then paas the summerized TotalReturnPrice formula to the Main Report with the following formula. whileprintingrecords;
shared currencyvar PassPrice:=Sum ({@Total Return Price}, {Packlist_Header.Packlist_Date}, "daily")
On the Main Report I have the following formula for the passed value "ReturnPass".
shared currencyvar PassPrice;
This value is used in the formula "NetShippingDollars"
Sum ({@TotalShipDollars}, {Invoice_Detail.Ship_Date}, "daily")-({@ReturnPass})
The two reports are linked by the date fiels.
The "NetShippingDollars" formula works fine. The problem I'm having is when I try to make a Side by Side Bar Chart. The values that are displayed on the chart are the same as the "TotalShipDollars" forumla. The chart is setup to use the "NetShippingDollars" as the value and to change on Ship Date.
I've tried everything I can think of to get the chart ouput correct but so far no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.