I have produced a graph in CR10 connecting to a sqlite database used by our helpdesk software (Spiceworks).
For a six week period, it shows all tickets raised for each week as a bar on the graph (acheived by using "On change of" createDate and "Show Values" as a Count on the tables ID field).
I also have a seperate graph that uses "On change of" completeDate, so that it shows all tickets closed in the same 6 week period.
My question is, could I show both on one graph? I realise this involves two seperate queries and cannot be done using the simple chart expert, but can it be achieved any other way, maybe using crosstabs?
I have produced a graph in CR10 connecting to a sqlite database used by our helpdesk software (Spiceworks).
For a six week period, it shows all tickets raised for each week as a bar on the graph (acheived by using "On change of" createDate and "Show Values" as a Count on the tables ID field).
I also have a seperate graph that uses "On change of" completeDate, so that it shows all tickets closed in the same 6 week period.
My question is, could I show both on one graph? I realise this involves two seperate queries and cannot be done using the simple chart expert, but can it be achieved any other way, maybe using crosstabs?