I am an oracle dba and i've recently had to start learning sql server.
I have setup a user called BI on my sql server and i want to give access to certain tables owned by another user to BI.
These table names can be seen by using the following sql:
SELECT name FROM dbo.sysobjects
where xtype = 'U'
I get 867 rows returned. Is there a quick way of giving access to all these tables as you could do in oracle by using:
SELECT 'grant select on' ||' '|| name ||' '|| 'to BI' FROM dbo.sysobjects
where xtype = 'U'
I am an oracle dba and i've recently had to start learning sql server.
I have setup a user called BI on my sql server and i want to give access to certain tables owned by another user to BI.
These table names can be seen by using the following sql:
SELECT name FROM dbo.sysobjects
where xtype = 'U'
I get 867 rows returned. Is there a quick way of giving access to all these tables as you could do in oracle by using:
SELECT 'grant select on' ||' '|| name ||' '|| 'to BI' FROM dbo.sysobjects
where xtype = 'U'