I'm trying to use Post to send info to a website, which is working fine. the problem is I want to grab info from the site and echo it. this is not working.
Here is what I have so far, Thanks for looking..
Here is what I have so far, Thanks for looking..
Please press submit to confirm</P>
<!--the form attempts to send info via "POST" to for processing-->
<FORM name="form1" method="post" action="[URL unfurl="true"]">[/URL]
<input type=hidden name="cmd" value="td_a">
Street Address: <INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="street"><br>
City: <INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="city"><br>
State: <INPUT SIZE=3 NAME="state"> <br>
Zip: <INPUT SIZE=6 NAME="zip" <br>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="request" value="Address Info">
<input type=hidden name="port" value="7173">
</p><INPUT type="submit" name="Accept" value="Submit">
overview of code.
To submit info to a website via above form, utilize Php to loop through website out put, to find and echo Lat. and Long. points.
/* get site info*/
$filename = "[URL unfurl="true"]";[/URL]
$fc = @file($filename);
$full_contents = @implode("",$fc);
/*looping through html of site to find line 241 and 252 then echo both lines*/
while (list($line, $content)=each($fc)) {
if($line == 241) {
$lat = "$content";
if($line == 252) {
$long = "$content";
echo $lat;
echo $long;