We have pushed several updates out through scripts in GPOs. The scripts are applied to the computer policy, startup scripts. They vary from resetting rights using cacls, to installing updates of existing software.
The problem, is that they are not getting these updates. I have checked, and they are not on a slow link (I disabled slow link detection anyway). I have also physically gotten onto a machine and ran gpupdate. gpresult says that they are getting the correct policies, and that they ran successfully at the correct time, but I am not seeing the changes.
Below is one of the scripts that I am running. Maybe it is something in there.
I have several other issues with these laptops, including local security rights getting all jacked up for no reason. But I think that is something for another forum. Thanks for your time.
The problem, is that they are not getting these updates. I have checked, and they are not on a slow link (I disabled slow link detection anyway). I have also physically gotten onto a machine and ran gpupdate. gpresult says that they are getting the correct policies, and that they ran successfully at the correct time, but I am not seeing the changes.
Below is one of the scripts that I am running. Maybe it is something in there.
IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Kansas Assessment\KCA.44" GOTO STOPRUN
START /W "" MsiExec.exe /i "\\server01\files\KCA Fixes\KCA_4.4.msi" /passive
COPY /Y "\\server01\files\KCA Fixes\system.properties" "c:\Program Files\Kansas Assessment\Conf\"
COPY /Y "\\server01\files\KCA Fixes\KCA.44" "c:\Program Files\Kansas Assessment\"
DEL /F /Q "c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\KCA Tutorials.lnk"
CACLS "c:\Program Files\Kansas Assessment" /T /E /C /G Users:W
CACLS "c:\Program Files\Java" /T /E /C /G Users:C
I have several other issues with these laptops, including local security rights getting all jacked up for no reason. But I think that is something for another forum. Thanks for your time.