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GPO Temporary Internet Files

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Technical User
Mar 3, 2003

Is it possible to dictate Internet Explorer's Temporary Internet Files size via the group policy? You can set a quota on profile size, is this the only way?

As an extension to this question is it possible to have the files deleted when user logsoff? Already using delete profile at logoff, its a school so you get possibly hundred or more users on a machine and checking so many profiles would make start up very slow its quiker to pull profile each time, profile is stored on the server and they can't make any changes to desktop etc anyway.
Hi Bazzert,
I'm not sure about the first question but with regards to your second question I also work in a school where this was an issue and all the pupils use the same profile.
We found a piece of software called Deep Freeze which allows you to ghost over a given suite then "freeze" it down so that any changes made by the users will be lost when the machine is rebooted. This effectivley removes all uneeded profiles, and temporary internet files. It also stops users from screwing up settings and loading software onto the machines.

Hope this helps,
I use this script as a logon script on my Terminal servers,

@echo off
rem cleans Cookies, History, Temporary Internet Files for Windows 2000
rem Internet 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and Netscape 4.x,6.x
rem Note-- check your Netscape path instead of your 'default' it could be your username
rem there are two places to replace yourusername with your own account
rem IE and Netscape URL drop down lists are stored in the registry
rem Netscape Edit - Preferences - Clear Location Bar and use the url_recent.reg above

rem name this entire file privacy.cmd
rem suggest putting in your StartUp folder privacy.cmd and url_recent.reg
rem HINT quick way is to logoff and login and voila all clean
rem IE and Windows
@echo on
rd /s/q c:\winnt\tempor~1
rd /s/q c:\winnt\cookies
rd /s/q c:\winnt\history
rd /s/q c:\winnt\temp
md c:\winnt\temp
cd c:\docume~1\%username%
rd /s/q cookies
rd /s/q locals~1\history
del /s/q "local settings\Temporary Internet Files"
rd /s/q recent
md recent
rd /s/q temp



Matt Wray


We have the same profile for all users (pupil). We enforce this by using a piece of software called Ranger, its just and easy way of using group policy. All our desktops are the same and the users can't right click anywhere so they can't change wallpaper etc. When they click on Start they only get Programs, list apps for each suite, and Logoff. They only have access to shared area and their own area on the server (they can't use \\ to get to server either).

Have found a piece of software called Browse Control that allows easy and instant access or denial to the internet (doesn't need machine to be restarted users just have no access instantly even if they are already browsing) to either individual machines or a whole suite when placed in a group within software. Also includes web site blocking and app blocking.

I'll take a look at Deep Freeze sounds interesting.

Mattwary - Thanks, I'll see if I can use some of your scripting
We also lock things down pretty much in the same way as you but without Ranger - we just use GP. Deep Freeze is more just another line of defence and stops the machines getting into a state where they are becoming sluggish and need reghosting. It also allows us to kill any virus instantly just by rebooting the machine! Well worth lookin into.

I have also checked out Browse Control as this is a product we were looking for a while ago - we actually managed to write our own software in the end that does the net blocking for the teacher, but I do like some of the extra features in Browser Control, I'm going to try and talk the bursar into buying into it.

Many thanks,
If your thinking about buying it its worth talking to them I got big reduction by recommending on our forum for the schools.
Don't have a problem with machines becoming sluggish as students are not allowed to save anything at all to machine. As I said their profile is deleted of machine when they logoff.

We found that machine would become slow due to verification of all the profiles, with none being saved they perform the same as day one.

No probs with viruses so far, floppy and CD are not accesable to students and all files are scanned and if virus found the access to file is denied.

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