I have a windows 2000 domain, 2000 & XP clients. I have been testing out a new GP for a new OU and only 1 user is located in that OU. All my other users are located in the default Users OU in AD. Anyways... some users seem to be processing the Folder Redirection part of my New OU's GP? Upon logoff of my normal users on 1 XP machine it saves the data in my Desktop redirection folder? I checked group permission of this user called PLC and it doesn’t have any of the new GPO groups listed. Also here is my GP result for that XP Client...
Applied Group Policy Objects
The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Local Group Policy
Filtering: Not Applied (Empty)
Applied Group Policy Objects
The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Local Group Policy
Filtering: Not Applied (Empty)
Filtering: Not Applied (Empty)
The 2007UserTest GP is only assigned to my new OU? It is getting applied even though my user that is logging in part of a different policy. I did test out this client XP machine by logging into the user that is applied to the new OU... that’s when it started to happen.
Any Ideas on how to remove this policy? Is there a setting somewhere that doesn’t force this OU's policy on other clients?
Applied Group Policy Objects
The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Local Group Policy
Filtering: Not Applied (Empty)
Applied Group Policy Objects
The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Default Domain Policy
Filtering: Disabled (GPO)
Local Group Policy
Filtering: Not Applied (Empty)
Filtering: Not Applied (Empty)
The 2007UserTest GP is only assigned to my new OU? It is getting applied even though my user that is logging in part of a different policy. I did test out this client XP machine by logging into the user that is applied to the new OU... that’s when it started to happen.
Any Ideas on how to remove this policy? Is there a setting somewhere that doesn’t force this OU's policy on other clients?