I am having a problem with some 2 of my GPO's. I have my site say as XYZ.COM then an OU named NY and under that I have another OU named Computers. This is where my 2 GPO's that are not working are linked.
I then created a Global group under Domain Global Groups called Deployment Software Group. The 2 groups are Desktop Search Computers and DesktopStandard Computers. Both group contain the computer accounts I want as members (lets says NY100 and NY101). I also have 2 Domain Local Groups, DesktopSearch Group and DesktopStandard Group.
For DesktopSearch Group the members are Desktop Search Computers. For DesktopStandard the members are DesktopStandard Computers.
For the GPO I have Security filtering setup. For the Desktop Search GPO I have Security as Desktop Search Group. For Desktop_Standard_GPO I have Security filtering as DesktopStandard Group.
When I run the Group Policy Results I see that both are Denied GPO's and the reason is Security Filtering. I am obviously missing something.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I then created a Global group under Domain Global Groups called Deployment Software Group. The 2 groups are Desktop Search Computers and DesktopStandard Computers. Both group contain the computer accounts I want as members (lets says NY100 and NY101). I also have 2 Domain Local Groups, DesktopSearch Group and DesktopStandard Group.
For DesktopSearch Group the members are Desktop Search Computers. For DesktopStandard the members are DesktopStandard Computers.
For the GPO I have Security filtering setup. For the Desktop Search GPO I have Security as Desktop Search Group. For Desktop_Standard_GPO I have Security filtering as DesktopStandard Group.
When I run the Group Policy Results I see that both are Denied GPO's and the reason is Security Filtering. I am obviously missing something.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.