Hey Guys,
I am trying to set permissions on a folder using GPO settings. I created a folder in the directory i want the permissions applied to. I set the directory in the GPO setting where the folder was created. I performed a gpupdate on the server (2003 R2) and i also tried gpupdate on the client. I even forced the update.
I set the file permissions to be applied in the Computer Configuration/Windows Settings/Security Settings/File System
When i check the ntfs permissions for the folder i created on the client, i do not see the permissions i set in the GPO for File System applied to the folder on the client.
What i did notice is when i right-click File System under Security Settings and select Add File, i need to create a folder on the servers local root which does not make since to me. This draws a question, can NTFS permissions be applied via GPO to a client on my network? All computers are added to AD.
There is a problem. Maybe i am missing a step, but i do not believe i am.
Do not pray to have an easier life, pray to be a stronger man!!!
Comptia A+, Comptia Network +, MCP
I am trying to set permissions on a folder using GPO settings. I created a folder in the directory i want the permissions applied to. I set the directory in the GPO setting where the folder was created. I performed a gpupdate on the server (2003 R2) and i also tried gpupdate on the client. I even forced the update.
I set the file permissions to be applied in the Computer Configuration/Windows Settings/Security Settings/File System
When i check the ntfs permissions for the folder i created on the client, i do not see the permissions i set in the GPO for File System applied to the folder on the client.
What i did notice is when i right-click File System under Security Settings and select Add File, i need to create a folder on the servers local root which does not make since to me. This draws a question, can NTFS permissions be applied via GPO to a client on my network? All computers are added to AD.
There is a problem. Maybe i am missing a step, but i do not believe i am.
Do not pray to have an easier life, pray to be a stronger man!!!
Comptia A+, Comptia Network +, MCP