Hopefully it's an easy question - Bad karma to ask all of these stupid things without being able to answer anything 
This is the code for my preloader (all code is on the main timeline):
the goto variable is set either through php in the url or through this thing above:
Now, the preloader does widen out to 100px, and I can get this to trigger other stuff (like a "click here to enter" link), but it doesn't seem to want to go on. In flashplayer 7 and 8, it never goes on - in flashplayer 9 it only goes on if the goto variable has been set in the URL.
In case it helps, I have a similar thing going on elsewhere, it doesn't work either:
illustration and webdesign
This is the code for my preloader (all code is on the main timeline):
preLoadah.onEnterFrame = function() {
prosoo = _root.getBytesTotal()/100;
prosentload = _root.getBytesLoaded()/prosoo;
pros = int(prosentload);
this._width = pros;
if (this._width >= 99) {
the goto variable is set either through php in the url or through this thing above:
if (_root.goto==false) {
_global.goto ='home';
Now, the preloader does widen out to 100px, and I can get this to trigger other stuff (like a "click here to enter" link), but it doesn't seem to want to go on. In flashplayer 7 and 8, it never goes on - in flashplayer 9 it only goes on if the goto variable has been set in the URL.
In case it helps, I have a similar thing going on elsewhere, it doesn't work either:
preLoadah.onEnterFrame = function() {
pros = int(delay);
if(this._width<=100){ this._width = pros/4;}
if (pros >= onwards) {
abne='go';//starts up an MC that sends the main timeline to the frame defined below after playing - this works elsewhere...
illustration and webdesign