I've got some data, which is a list of events that occur at different times, for different durations.
The key is, these events chain up together creating a tree like structure. Any tips on how I should store this ?
I thought about:
EventKey, ParentEvent, Start , End
... but that makes it pretty hard to trace back the tree... so then I was thinking like:
Parent1, parent2, parent3, parent4, parent5, event, key, start , end
.... but that wont scale very well for different depths... I was then thinking about building an XML file, but that wont fit into a traditional Oracle table very well...
Any ideas ?
I've got some data, which is a list of events that occur at different times, for different durations.
The key is, these events chain up together creating a tree like structure. Any tips on how I should store this ?
I thought about:
EventKey, ParentEvent, Start , End
... but that makes it pretty hard to trace back the tree... so then I was thinking like:
Parent1, parent2, parent3, parent4, parent5, event, key, start , end
.... but that wont scale very well for different depths... I was then thinking about building an XML file, but that wont fit into a traditional Oracle table very well...
Any ideas ?