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Good News for all !! Govt. Contracts not being outsourced..true? 1

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Oct 20, 2003
I hear that the federal govt. has barred the outsourcing of Government projects that are sub-contracted to US Companies.

Is that true? That would mean not all jobs are gone to countries like India, China etc...!

can you provide a source?

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
That probably means that a committee will be formed (sometime when nobody's campaigning) to round up and repatriate all those jobs already exported, if at all possible. Not exactly comforting.

See .

[sub]You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.[/sub]
[sup]Aristophanes, 424 B.C.[/sup]

[sup]Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est.
(From both the above articles, which are the same.) In a knee-jerk reaction that betrays gross stupidity:

The chambers of commerce and other business groups said the move would undercut the ability of us companies to compete with their overseas rivals.

Would someone please explain how this makes US companies uncompetitive, when the competition they fear is barred from competing?
If you notice, the publisher of this article is the Press Trust of India.

Personally, I am going to reserve judgement across the board until the bill is signed into law by the President, and I've had a chance to read the actual bill.

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
I did notice: it's rather hard not to be suspicious that two identical articles have a single origin.

What's your point? That the quoted sentence is self-serving? If that's the case, it doesn't matter where it originated. Those statements would be the same and would be self-serving whether the CoC's were in the US or India.

I'd also hope you'd have the opportunity to read the bill and pass judgment before it's signed into law: then you'd have a chance to do something about it.
Additional US news articles on this subject: and
However, I still cannot find the proposed bill on the US Congress website ( I agree with Cajun; I'm withholding judgement until I have an opportunity to ready the actual bill.

[sub]You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.[/sub]
[sup]Aristophanes, 424 B.C.[/sup]

[sup]Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est.
HI Harebrain,
I read the article and it was pretty interesting the way the facts were stated!!
But the bottom line is : We all (IT industry) are going to lose our jobs, if the US Govt. does not bann the outsourcing !!
And NOWHERE in the article did the author come-up with or suggest a solution.He pretty much stated the facts and at the end sounded like we all have to just WAIT and SEE !!
Those who loose the job, have to build a iron-stomach and guess ..do what: WAIT and SEE !!

Pretty interesting !!

Good link harebrain.

That was an interesting read by one who is a proponent of free trade,

"... I really do believe in the value and arguments in favor of free trade."

has a personal stake in offshoring

" As someone with close family still in developing countries, in India in particular, I have personal interest in witnessing the revolution of tapping the incredible amount of idle human capital and knowledge in these countries."

and yet professionally acknowledges that the practice is harmful to the US.

"It is equally important for advocates of free trade to figure out how to ensure (not just assume) that we do not have a great deal of idle human capital in the U.S."

After reading a second time, I have no doubt that he understands the many facets of the situation, I'm still not sure where his priorities lie.

But an excellent overview over many of these related issue.

Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein
"WAIT and SEE" indeed. Oversea's outsourcing is not even a major issue in the current US presidential campaign.

Yes, the author is probably right: besides IT personnel who lost their jobs, just about no-one else is interested in this issue.

Check the headlines: candidates and corporations believe in outsourcing - or don't care if some local IT people lose their jobs as a result.

Oversea's outsourcing is not even a major issue in the current US presidential campaign.

The politician's still only think of job-loss in terms of the manufacturing sector. Listen to John Kerry, for one. (Not intending to pick on Democrats--the Republicans not only have it wrong, they don't seem to care at all.)

Something else stated in the article I linked to is of prime importance to us. When the "giant sucking sound" hit the manufacturing sector of the US economy, entire businesses went under. But the current hits to the IT sector leave businesses in place, prospering in fact, while the individual employee is devastated. This is the job-loss equivalent of the neutron bomb.

People going under one-by-one, no matter the numbers, doesn't generate the political heat that failing corporations do.

We might not be certain where the author's priorities lie, but his words are certainly a call to WAKE UP!
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