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Good, bad and Ugly 6

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Looks great on NS 7.1


buffalo.gif height="60px" width="30px"

nice site :)
it's good to see some standards compliance!

one note: i would think about phrasing 'contact' differently: I clicked on it 3 times before I realised it was a 'mailto:' link (I don't have a default email client, so mailto doesn't do anything).

Perhaps you could have a contact details page with an email link, and maybe a contact form which uses a server-side script to take the contents of the form and send an email.

<marc> i wonder what will happen if i press this...[ul][li]please tell us if our suggestion has helped[/li][li]need some help? faq581-3339[/li][/ul]
Thanks manarth. Great suggestion! Didn't think of that.

Complying to standards is a little more work, but it makes me feel better about the site and it really is the only way to go anymore especially if I'm going to use CSS and suggest to users to use a compliant browser.
you wait until someone asks you for a change to the site....you'll be so relieved you developed with standards compliant html and css!

have a star for a well thought out design :)

<marc> i wonder what will happen if i press this...[ul][li]please tell us if our suggestion has helped[/li][li]need some help? faq581-3339[/li][/ul]
Yeah... you did good!

You know... with such clean source, you really should take 10 minutes to make it XHTML 1.1 strict as well. Honestly... it would take you no time... as you are &quot;tweaking&quot; your code, put this link on your page:


... then you can juct click the link and the w3c will verify your page, hilighting any problems - along with a reason (and often a solution).

Good job,

Sorry... here's the link:

<a href=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://validator.w3.org/check/referer&quot;>XHTML[/URL] 1.1 Strict Validator</a>

And for completion... a similar URL for checking CSS:

<a href=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer&quot;>CSS[/URL] Validator</a>


Didn't expect you guys to inspect my code. Very thorough. The people on this site never cease to amaze me. Thanks again.
Nice site. Cool colors, nice fonts, easy on the eyes, and nice use of stylesheets.

Only thing I can add is the 'contact' form is a &quot;mailto:&quot; link. Not a good thing to use, because mailto: tags open the users e-mail client, which is good if your user at home, but if they visit the site from a public location (like the library, school) then the mailto: yag is pointless.

Try just having a form that asks for the users name, email, and comments and submit the form to your email box. Most all hosting plans offer ASP or CGI, and you can use that for the mail scripts.

Nice work.

Just Imagine.
I've concentrated only on the points I consider could be improved with the appearance, so please don't take this as a put-down, as it certainly isn't meant to be.

Purely from the aesthetic point of view, I reckon the link text is too small, and should occupy a more prominent position on the page,as my impression for the first couple of seconds as the page loaded was,
&quot;OK, how do I get to the rest of the site?&quot;
I then noticed the small links under the title.

It would also be nice if the visited links were allowed to show a different colour, some of us have bad memories!

I also think the 'bio' link should read as the more traditional and perhaps boring 'home', as this is the index.html page, and therefore the first to appear. The 'contact' problem has already been discussed earlier.

On high resolution screen settings, there is a lot of wide open space on the right, I don't know if it's possible to enable a more dynamic layout here to allow for the content to move slightly towards centre under these conditions?

Apart from that, nice!

Regards, Andy.
My primitive attempts at designing a private web site can be laughed at here:
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