Can anybody recommend a good book/reference on Access?
I'm starting my first project now and I've tried MS Access 2003 Inside Out. This 1300 pages monster is overloaded with "left-click here" and "right-click there" bullshit.Seems like it's written for the people who've never used PC before.
I have quite a deal of experience with Excel and VBA. Are there any books targeted to people with Office/VBA experience?
Can anybody recommend a good book/reference on Access?
I'm starting my first project now and I've tried MS Access 2003 Inside Out. This 1300 pages monster is overloaded with "left-click here" and "right-click there" bullshit.Seems like it's written for the people who've never used PC before.
I have quite a deal of experience with Excel and VBA. Are there any books targeted to people with Office/VBA experience?