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GoLive CS rollovers don't work in Firefox

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Technical User
Dec 8, 2006
Why are my rollovers not working in the FireFox browser? Also It works in MY Internet Explorer on MY pc, but everyone else in the office who uses Explorer the rollovers won't work for them either. What am I doing wrong? I have really only used GoLive 5.0 and am new to GoLive CS so I taught myself how to use the CS version. Any suggestions as to why my rollovers aren't working? here is the link to the site:
Might not be the only issue, but one problem is your javascript link.
< script type="text/javascript" src="file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/dawn/Application%20Data/Adobe/Adobe%20GoLive/Settings8/JScripts/GlobalScripts/CSScriptLib.js">< /script>

Notice where the link says the file is. It's looking on YOUR hard drive. Since it finds it on your computer it works for you, but only you.

Change the link to be relative, so that it looks something like this:
< script type="text/javascript" src="/JScripts/GlobalScripts/CSScriptLib.js">< /script>
Well now THAT doesn't help, does it? Why would GoLive write the script that way? I do know HTML, but java is something I don't really know. I did change what you said to change, but it's still not showing the rollovers on other pcs - SO I looked at the code again and I see it has stuff like this: <a onmouseover="changeImages('escrow_nav','file:///E:/Coquicom/LTG/Website-New/images/escrow_nav-rl.jpg');return true" onmouseout="changeImages('escrow_nav','file:///E:/Coquicom/LTG/Website-New/images/escrow_nav.jpg');return true" href="#">
which looks like to me that is is looking on my machine again for the rollover images, correct? So do I change it to this? <a onmouseover="changeImages('escrow_nav','file:/images/escrow_nav-rl.jpg');return true" onmouseout="changeImages('escrow_nav','file:/images/escrow_nav.jpg');return true" href="#">

I'm not sure if I need to take the "file:" out and just have it 'images/escrow-rl.jpg' or does it need to be written as: '/images/escrow-rl.jpg' ?

I'm just not sure what the java scripting needs to find these. How starnge too that when I moved the images folder AND the index.html file all into the server folder that it is still looking for the path to these on MY machine! There has to be some way to be able to use the WYSIWYG portion of the program to get these to work w/o having to manually go into the code and change it. GoLive 5 never had these probs! The rollovers in GoLive 5 were run w/CSS - not java. Also, does Firefox have a hard time reading java cuz it's not working on my machine either using Firefox (but then maybe Firefox is 'smarter' than Explorer and it is not reading the code from my machine either like Explorer can't read the code from someone else's machine?
You know what? I just decided to rebuild the page directly on the server and I got the answer to my question. It writes the code now as onmouseover="changeImages('home_head','images/home_head-rl.jpg') so it just wants it written without the word 'file:' or the forward slash. Thanx for all your help! You put me on theright path and I figured it out from there!!


RIDE ON!!! (you guys need a horse smiley!!)
Welll.... it's STILL not working!! I made sure all of the mouseover buttons are pulling the images directly from the images file residing on the server and made sure the script source reads <script type="text/javascript" src="/JScripts/GlobalScripts/CSScriptLib.js"></script> so what am I still missing?!?!?!

HELP!! I'm REALLY getting frustrated! I NEVER had this prob w/GoLive 5!!! Here's the link again to view my code:
Could it be this line? <csscriptdict import="import"> don't know what 'import' is or were it's trying to import from. Not to mention that now nothing shows up in the WYSIWYG window of GoLive either after I changed the java script to src="/JScrips/GlobalScripts/CsscriptLib.js"...
This sounds to me like you've made changes without using the GoLive site file. Always, always, always open the site by opening the .site file. This way GoLive can properly track, edit, rename, etc... your files and links without any of the problems you've mentioned before.
Yes, I see that now. You didn't need to create a new site w/GoLive 5.0. It wrote all of the code directly into the page as you created a page but I see GoLive CS2 is much different that way! I also don't really know much about asp, but have taken a good look at the old website asp page to do forms, copied and pasted what was pertinent and it works beautifully! What I ended up doing to get my rollovers to work was to actually write the java (rather copied and pasted from another site I found!) the code directly into the page. Good think I have a siolid knowledge of HTML!!! I do have a question tho - I understand the <input name="name" type="text"> functions but what is the purpose of the class="textbox" and id=""name" tags for? Is this something asp needs to have evn tho the input name="name" tag and the type="text" tags are already there too or is this just being redundant?

class="textbox" and id=""name" tags

These are often included for CSS styling and creating anchors.

For example if you link to thispage.html#name the link will go the thispage.html and auto scroll down to where that id is.

CSS can be used to apply styling to the items with class and/or id tags. For an example of the power of CSS see
At that site you can choose from hundreds of different design layouts. The magic is that the html is exactly the same for exery design. This means you can completly redesign a site by changing one CSS file.
AH! I thought it had something to do w/the asp script. Since it isn't used for that, I can remove that from the code on the page. I was just copying and pasting from a previous asp coding for a form for my company's form page. Since the id tag had the same name as the input name= tag, it doesn't need to be in there. I have used anchors - only thru the WYSIWYG layout page of GoLive so I never looked at the code for that, but I DO know about the thispage.html#name for directing to that anchor. I have a small t-shirt biz on the side and use those tags on my site page. I really need to get myself an updated HTML book. I have one that is about 6 or 7 yrs old. Any suggestions for an easy to read HTML book? I currently have HTML 4 for the World Wide Web by Liz Castro - a VERY easy to understand and follow book! Also, could you suggest a good ASP book that is also easy to follow? Thanx again!

RIDE ON!! (horse smiley goes here!)
The last version of HTML is version 4, so your html 4 book probably has that covered. What came after HTML is XHTML so you may want to look into that, but i wouldn't call it a high priority.

What i think you should study is CSS. I have "Cascading Style Sheets: The definitive Guide" as a reference book, "Eric Meyer on CSS" and "More Eric Meyer on CSS" for how to apply CSS in the read world.

I can't recommend an ASP book since i don't have any or know any ASP. I do all my server side coding in PHP.

Whatever you decide to learn the internet itself is full of useful tutorial, reference guides, etc...
Yes, I do need to know a little about CSS. I have just ordered the newer version of HTML 4 for the World Wide Web by Liz Castro 5th edition and I think mine is either the 3rd or possibly 4th. I think I found a good ASP book on Amazon.com. I always used a CGI script for forms that was 'premaid' that I downloaded and worked well, but since the place I am working at now has a Windows 2000 server I can't use CGI anymore. Isn't PHP for Unix servers too? I was looking into that too but from everything I found the 'premaid' form scripts in PHP were for Unix or Windows NT servers which I did discover uses Version CDONTD.DLL and I need it to use Version CDOSYS.DLL (not exactly sure what that means, but I'm taking it that the Windows 2000 server can't use PHP). The asp script I downloaded - Matt Wright's - I wasn't able to get to work, so I as I said, went into another form they had here and copied/pasted a previous asp script that works just great! I'd like to know what all those asp tags mean tho so that I can use it to globally put the navigation bar/portions of the site onto one file that I can change so that I don't have to go into every page and change. There is only 5 pages on my work website, but I have a t-shirt biz of my own that has probably about 100 pages and when I make changes to the navigation portions (when new tees come out or something is discontinued) I need to go into EVERY page and change it manually cuz it's all in HTML. Could I use CSS for images/links like this? Here's my t-shirts site - and I did it 2 yrs ago in GoLive 5. I'm now wondering if asp will run on Unix cuz my tee site is hosted on a Unix Apache server... Maybe I need to use PHP for this? I haven't taken any web classes for about 6 yrs so I'm kinda behind in web stuff. I have just been using HTML and CGI 'premaid' CGI form scripts to do my stuff (and I make animations in ImageReady). Don't know FLash either but I think Flash is over rated. I always skip those flash intros - who has time to sit thru those? [sleeping]
Versions of PHP are available for all major servers including Windows 2000, so it's just a matter of installing it on the server. Most web hosts include PHP now, even though with Windows servers.

For form handling i started with this premade php script and over the years have customized it to the point where i'm no longer sure what's original and what's mine.

On a 5 page web site i would use GoLive's template system to handle updates. You never know when 5 pages will grow into 20. All of sudden you editing dozens of html pages one at a time. I always use a GoLive template, which not only saves editing time but helps ensure all common page elements will stay the same.

You can get asp for UNIX servers, but most hosts don't install it - since PHP comes with it.

I just got a new client that i'm building a clothing eshop for. We elected to start with that i'm building a custom template for. He can then manage the entire operation, add/remove products etc... on his own using it's management forms. He has no computer experience at all and after an hour showing him x-carts controls he has no problem manageing the shop.

I totally agree with you about flash.
AH! So even if I did use ASP for my t-shirt site, most likely I wouldn't be able to use it cuz I have it hosted on a Unix server. I never tried the GoLive template. I'll have to look into that! When I need to add new tees in January, I'll see if I can just use the template to redo the site anyway. I need to change my nav bars and add a few so I guess then would be the time to do it! As for installing PHP on the work server, I'll ask admin, but I already asked him about PHP and it didn't have a clue as to what it was... I suppose if I went and FOUND everything for him, he would do it but I highly doubt the work website will get too much bigger than it already is so I think I'll leave well enough alone on that for now!

I also use PayPal's shopping cart for my t-shirt site. That way I don't have to have a gateway to accept credit cards and people can still use their credit cards, but thru PayPal. I also do a LOT of biz out of the country and PayPal converts the exchange rates for me so I'll stick w/PayPal. PLUS I'm guaranteed the money if it goes thru PayPal! And I have an eBay store too that I use PayPal for as well. It's easy to use and has worked VERY well for me.

Thanx for all the advice!!
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