I have a form that shows a list box of items. These items contain:
incidentnumber (this is an autonumber field and is the primary key for the tablle called tblincident)
txtshortdescription (Text field)
blnclosed (yes/no)
I populate a listbox called lstopenincidents with the above. I want to be able to select a particular incident in the listbox and click a command button to open another form to edit the incident with all the information from the tblincident table. I want when the form opens to go directly to the incident I selected by the txtInumber (incident number field).
I am not sure how to do this, does anyone have any suggestions?
incidentnumber (this is an autonumber field and is the primary key for the tablle called tblincident)
txtshortdescription (Text field)
blnclosed (yes/no)
I populate a listbox called lstopenincidents with the above. I want to be able to select a particular incident in the listbox and click a command button to open another form to edit the incident with all the information from the tblincident table. I want when the form opens to go directly to the incident I selected by the txtInumber (incident number field).
I am not sure how to do this, does anyone have any suggestions?