Technical User
I have a movie clip in the library. It has a stop action on the first fm. It is x fms long and has a "go to and play fm2" action on the last fm. The clip works fine and the
script is correct in the actualy mc.
I would like to place it on the stage in a fm and target it from a button on the main timeline.
Is it possible to tell the playhead to go to fm 2 of my mc on mouse out or over or whatever I choose ?
Also if I duplicate a movie clip frome whatever action I choose can I then target the duplicate movie clip and change properties of said duplicate from a button or actions on a frame ?
Thanks for any help. This is my first post. I hope that it is clear and to the point. It is just basicly a "are these two things possible ? kind of question.
script is correct in the actualy mc.
I would like to place it on the stage in a fm and target it from a button on the main timeline.
Is it possible to tell the playhead to go to fm 2 of my mc on mouse out or over or whatever I choose ?
Also if I duplicate a movie clip frome whatever action I choose can I then target the duplicate movie clip and change properties of said duplicate from a button or actions on a frame ?
Thanks for any help. This is my first post. I hope that it is clear and to the point. It is just basicly a "are these two things possible ? kind of question.