I want to be able to plot a graph using the smooth function with csplines.I want to have the data points visible as dots.
I have tried
plot "statistics.dat" using 1:2 smooth csplines title "Rtt" with linesp
but this draws points for all the interpolated points in between. I am looking to have a smooth curve for my graph in between these data points.
Also another thing how do i change the points so that i can have a filled in circle .
I have tried "set linestyle 1 pointtype 7 pointsize 1" and then used this style to plot e.g
plot sin(x) with points ls 1
The symbol appears as a empty circle with a dot inside it.
I have tried
plot "statistics.dat" using 1:2 smooth csplines title "Rtt" with linesp
but this draws points for all the interpolated points in between. I am looking to have a smooth curve for my graph in between these data points.
Also another thing how do i change the points so that i can have a filled in circle .
I have tried "set linestyle 1 pointtype 7 pointsize 1" and then used this style to plot e.g
plot sin(x) with points ls 1
The symbol appears as a empty circle with a dot inside it.