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gnupg and Mercator - they don't like each other

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Sep 21, 2005
How can I make them get along? :)

We have a system that moves files to a folder. On source event, a generic map calls the batch adapter. The batch file calls gpg.exe which encypts files. Well, this darn gpg.exe either get's stuck in task manager or simply does not process the files and give me this error:

System: ConcentraOutbnd
Component: EncryptTIF
Map: E:\EC\Appint\EncryptTIF.mmc
Start Time: Mon Apr 24 12:44:46 2006
Instance: 428
Run Time: 0.1023 seconds
Return Code: 76 - Adapter failed to put data on output

Input 1: File: E:\EC\AppData\PGPnFTP\Concentra\TIFILES\RED-CN-MP192381-1-05-Apr242006_0008
Output 1: Batch File: -cmd 'E:\EC\Appint\EncrptConcentraImage.bat E:\EC\AppData\PGPnFTP\Concentra\TIFILES\RED-CN-MP192381-1-05-Apr242006_0008
_3_439479092020.tif' -POLL 5:15

I've put tons of reties (target, sournce, map) and still I get a few orphaned files. When MC get's the error, I simply move the file out of the folder, place it back in the folder and it goes.

Can gpg.exe handle only so many calls at once?
I've used it from batch and never had a problem. Does it work ok if you just run the batch file?
Could be a threading issue. Is the main map multi-threaded? The run time shows it is failing quickly. What version of gpg are you using?
What is you watchmaxthreads setting (or maxconcurrent setting for this map in IFD)?

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
Janhes - it always works just fine from the batch file manually. But when there are a lot of files, some just fail.

Boca, we are usuing version 1.0. :-( The main map is a gereric map Output1=input1. It’s workspace is set to FILE, so it should not be multi-threaded. Here are the stats on it from Launcher- Notice all the retires!
MSL File: e:\mercator6.7\systems\PGPnFTP 7.0 NewPrd.msl
System: ConcentraOutbnd
Component: EncryptTIF
Map: E:\EC\Appint\EncryptTIF.mmc
Priority: Normal
Map Delay: <none>
Pending Exp.: <none>
Retries: 30 every 5 seconds
Paging: 8 X 64K (FILE)
Trace: <none>
Validation: Ignore: <none>
Stop On First Error: Yes
Work Area: Default - Delete -
Init High: 0
Init Low: 0
Time Trigger: <none>
Input 1 (T): File: E:\EC\AppData\PGPnFTP\Concentra\TIFILES\*.tif
Rollback: Yes, Delete: Yes, Reuse Work File: No
Retries: 10 every 5 seconds

Output 1: Batch File: -cmd 'E:\EC\Appint\EncrptConcentraImage.bat E:\EC\AppData\PGPnFTP\Concentra\TIFILES\*.tif' -POLL 5:15
Rollback: Yes, Delete: No, Append: No
Retries: 30 every 5 seconds

Audit File: <none>

Maxthreads are set to 18, watchMT is set to 6. Maxconncurent set to 0 - but it workspace is set to F. What do you think?
Work area is default delete so that single threads the map. Failure time was less than the minimum poll time. Not sure if retries work after a -76. With the batch adapter, it appears that it is failing to call the batch adapter, and doesn't get to the external call. Might want to search for batch issues on eservices web site.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
Actually, I was wrong. Output1 does not = input1 like I said above. Output 1 = None

Would that make a difference?
Just means that you don't need the input card and you are not passing data to the batch command from the map.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
Mean't that you don't need to validate the input.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
So, could Output 1 = None be the reason why it possibly failing to call the batch adapter, and doesn't get to the external call? Or even getting to any retries?

Sorry, sometimes I'm sloooow picking things up if you've already told me.
No, since you stated it works most of the time. Looks like you need a test case for Support.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
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