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Global.asa jscript and vbscript together ?

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Technical User
Apr 20, 2001
I have a Global.asa that contains this....

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JScript&quot; RUNAT=Server> 

function Session_OnStart()
	Session(&quot;AppAnnuaireDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Annuaire/annuaire.mdb&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppAnnuairePermission&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Annuaire/ManageAnnuaire.asp&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppFichesDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/fiches/remarques.mdb&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppFichesPermission&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/fiches/ManageFiche.asp&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppProjectDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Project/Project.mdb&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppProjectPermission&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Project/ManageProject.asp&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppVendorsDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/vendors/avl.mdb&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppTerminologyDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/terminology/Terminology.mdb&quot;;
	Session(&quot;AppNNTPStatDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/MCR/MCR.mdb&quot;;

Which works fine

I can also use a Global.asa with this...

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;VBScript&quot; RUNAT=&quot;Server&quot;>

Sub Application_OnStart
	' Set our user count to 0 when we start the server
	Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) = 0
End Sub

Sub Session_OnStart
	' Change Session Timeout to 20 minutes (if you need to)
	Session.Timeout = 20
	' Set a Session Start Time
	' This is only important to assure we start a session
	Session(&quot;Start&quot;) = Now
	' Increase the active visitors count when we start the session
		Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) = Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) + 1
End Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd
	' Decrease the active visitors count when the session ends.
		Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) = Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) - 1
End Sub


for an active user counter. However if I put both in the same global.asa I get problems.

Is there a way to combine the jscript and vbscript so they will both run ?

Any help appreciated.

Your problem is in the VB part of code because u override the Session_OnStart function witch is declared in Java part
U have to declare only once a function not twice (In VB and Java), u decide witch function reside in Java and witch reside in VB.
Hope this solve your problem...

Thanks, I'm quite new to this, I understand what you say about the Session_OnStart being declared in both the jscript and the vbscript but I'm not sure how to get around this, can I sustitute Session_OnStart with something else that will have the desired outcome ?

Yes u have. U must put in other sub your vb code and then call it from java

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JScript&quot; RUNAT=Server>

function Session_OnStart()
Session(&quot;AppAnnuaireDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Annuaire/annuaire.mdb&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppAnnuairePermission&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Annuaire/ManageAnnuaire.asp&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppFichesDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/fiches/remarques.mdb&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppFichesPermission&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/fiches/ManageFiche.asp&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppProjectDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Project/Project.mdb&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppProjectPermission&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/Project/ManageProject.asp&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppVendorsDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/vendors/avl.mdb&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppTerminologyDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/terminology/Terminology.mdb&quot;;
Session(&quot;AppNNTPStatDatabase&quot;) = &quot;/Application/asp/MCR/MCR.mdb&quot;;


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;VBScript&quot; RUNAT=&quot;Server&quot;>

Sub Application_OnStart
' Set our user count to 0 when we start the server
Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) = 0
End Sub

Sub MyVbInitialization
' Change Session Timeout to 20 minutes (if you need to)
Session.Timeout = 20
' Set a Session Start Time
' This is only important to assure we start a session
Session(&quot;Start&quot;) = Now
' Increase the active visitors count when we start the session
Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) = Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) + 1
End Sub

Sub Session_OnEnd
' Decrease the active visitors count when the session ends.
Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) = Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) - 1
End Sub


Hope this works
Excellent, many thanks it works a treat.
I am a relative newbie, so forgive any obvious errors.

If it is possible I am looking for a way to call a vbscript function from jscript.

I have a number of .asp forms (written using FP2K, running on an IIS 5.0 W2K managed site where scripting is enabled).

Each form has a confirmation number that is unique to the form, retained on-site within a text-file counter.

To update a form's confirmation number I have been using the following vbscript ahead of the HTML:

Response.Buffer = true 
Response.Expires = 0
response.addheader &quot;Pragma&quot;, &quot;No-Cache&quot;
dim strName, strCNumber, strFullPath
strFullPath = &quot;D:/ { IP address } / { file-path } &quot;
const ForReading = 1, TristateUseDefault = -2
Set objFSO = CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)
set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFullPath)
set objFTS = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault)
	strFTS = objFTS.ReadLine
	strFTS2 = strFTS +1
Set a = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFullPath, True)
<HTML etc ....>

... and later I use this value in a hidden field:
<input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;Conf_num&quot; value=&quot;<%= strFTS %>&quot;>

This works OK, but there is a drawback, since the update occurs only when the form is loaded; use of the browser back-arrow plus re-submission leads to a duplicate confirmation number.

I have intercepted the submit button action in order to stall the impatient user; I would like to increment the counter at this point and lock up the counter file until submission is launched.

Is it possible to re-write my vbscript as a function that is callable from Jscript?

Thanks in advance for your help,

It is possible tu call an vbscript function from javascript

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JScript&quot; RUNAT=Server>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;VBScript&quot; RUNAT=&quot;Server&quot;>
Sub MyVbInitialization
' Change Session Timeout to 20 minutes (if you need to)
Session.Timeout = 20
' Set a Session Start Time
' This is only important to assure we start a session
Session(&quot;Start&quot;) = Now
' Increase the active visitors count when we start the session
Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) = Application(&quot;ActiveUsers&quot;) + 1
End Sub


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