To All,
My company is currently exploring on the extendability of GP using VBA. But i have problem even connecting to the SQL database. I am wondering whether there will be anyone who can assist me on this matters.
The coding that i used are as follows:
Private Sub CustomerID_AfterLostFocus()
Dim tmpQuery As String
Dim tmpID As String
tmpID = CustomerID.Caption
tmpQuery = "SELECT * FROM RM00101 WHERE CUSTNMBR='" + tmpID + "'"
If chkPriceLevel(tmpQuery) Then
MsgBox "True"
MsgBox "False"
End If
End Sub
Private Function chkPriceLevel(ByVal tmpSql As String) As Boolean
Dim cnTest As Connection
Dim rsTest As Recordset
' On Error GoTo Err_Handler
' Set cnTest = New Connection
' Set rsTest = New Recordset
With cnTest
.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
.ConnectionString = "Password=password;User ID =sa;Initial Catalog=TRAIN;Data Source=TRAINING"
End With
rsTest.Open (tmpSql), cnTest
If rsTest.EOF = True Or rsTest.BOF = True Then
chkUser = False
chkUser = True
End If
End Function ''
The problem lies in cnTest property which VBA does not recognise. I have tick the latest DAO under the Reference, but it still doesn't work.
Any help will be appreciated.
My company is currently exploring on the extendability of GP using VBA. But i have problem even connecting to the SQL database. I am wondering whether there will be anyone who can assist me on this matters.
The coding that i used are as follows:
Private Sub CustomerID_AfterLostFocus()
Dim tmpQuery As String
Dim tmpID As String
tmpID = CustomerID.Caption
tmpQuery = "SELECT * FROM RM00101 WHERE CUSTNMBR='" + tmpID + "'"
If chkPriceLevel(tmpQuery) Then
MsgBox "True"
MsgBox "False"
End If
End Sub
Private Function chkPriceLevel(ByVal tmpSql As String) As Boolean
Dim cnTest As Connection
Dim rsTest As Recordset
' On Error GoTo Err_Handler
' Set cnTest = New Connection
' Set rsTest = New Recordset
With cnTest
.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
.ConnectionString = "Password=password;User ID =sa;Initial Catalog=TRAIN;Data Source=TRAINING"
End With
rsTest.Open (tmpSql), cnTest
If rsTest.EOF = True Or rsTest.BOF = True Then
chkUser = False
chkUser = True
End If
End Function ''
The problem lies in cnTest property which VBA does not recognise. I have tick the latest DAO under the Reference, but it still doesn't work.
Any help will be appreciated.