Hi al..
I have a object called "Ball". When i press a button, the Ball has to appear in the right bottom of the screen.
Maybe that isnt so difficult, but the screen is resizeble.
Can anyone help me with this? i really dont know how to start.
Below the OnClick of the button:
void __fastcall TForm1::Bal_aanClick(TObject *Sender)
bal -> right bottom ( dont know the code )
greetz andre
I have a object called "Ball". When i press a button, the Ball has to appear in the right bottom of the screen.
Maybe that isnt so difficult, but the screen is resizeble.
Can anyone help me with this? i really dont know how to start.
Below the OnClick of the button:
void __fastcall TForm1::Bal_aanClick(TObject *Sender)
bal -> right bottom ( dont know the code )
greetz andre