I am designing and developing a asp.net application written in VB.
I have been reading Craig Larman's Applying UML and Patterns.
I am trying to design how to break my app into classes (responsibility objects)
The confusion is the controller pattern.
When a webform is first loaded and contains listboxes filled with data from various sources, and the user starts to manipulate these listboxes and some interactions cause postback page reloads before the actual submission (submit button) should all this been done using classes?
should I create a class to be the information expert of the state of the form or should I just write and retain all my variables in the code behind pages?
Also, if I do create interface class eventually I have to send this information to my submitlistboxoptions_handler class which will then (or so I understand) send it almost immediately off to another perform_logic class to determine
what to do with this information.
After that is finished, results are sent to my output_class
which creates the output in the form of an excel spreadsheet and sends it back to the browser.
I am basically confused on the controller class: Larman says that normally a controller should delegate to other objects and it controls or coordinates the work, but not a lot of work itself. IF this is the case what benefit does my controller of my interface provide me if all it does is immediately send data from the interface to another class to interpret the interface.
this program basically takes all the options in a web form and generates a sql statement (likely all done using a stored procedure in SQL Server)
I hope this is not too confusing.
I am designing and developing a asp.net application written in VB.
I have been reading Craig Larman's Applying UML and Patterns.
I am trying to design how to break my app into classes (responsibility objects)
The confusion is the controller pattern.
When a webform is first loaded and contains listboxes filled with data from various sources, and the user starts to manipulate these listboxes and some interactions cause postback page reloads before the actual submission (submit button) should all this been done using classes?
should I create a class to be the information expert of the state of the form or should I just write and retain all my variables in the code behind pages?
Also, if I do create interface class eventually I have to send this information to my submitlistboxoptions_handler class which will then (or so I understand) send it almost immediately off to another perform_logic class to determine
what to do with this information.
After that is finished, results are sent to my output_class
which creates the output in the form of an excel spreadsheet and sends it back to the browser.
I am basically confused on the controller class: Larman says that normally a controller should delegate to other objects and it controls or coordinates the work, but not a lot of work itself. IF this is the case what benefit does my controller of my interface provide me if all it does is immediately send data from the interface to another class to interpret the interface.
this program basically takes all the options in a web form and generates a sql statement (likely all done using a stored procedure in SQL Server)
I hope this is not too confusing.