Hi all,
I've read over the Tomcat Application Developer's Guide and followed the steps to generating a hello world jsp app. I'm having a couple problems because it's not working as advertised. Please excuse that this is such novice material, but I'm trying to teach myself and it's always hardest the first few steps.
I build a basic jsp app using the standard docs,src,web directory structure. In web/ is a default.jsp containing only HTML for Hello World. I used their instructions for build.properties, build.xml, and web.xml. I made sure to specify the catalina.root, context root, application name, etc. Environment variables CATALINA_HOME, JAVA_HOME, and ANT_HOME are also set appropriately. Also the JDK bin and Ant bin are in the path.
When I run "ant" it compiles fine. When I run "ant install" it deploys fine. However, tells me the requested resource is not available.
Secondly, while trying to redeploy using "ant reload" I get the following error:
$ ant reload
Buildfile: build.xml
[reload] FAIL - Encountered exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container StandardContext[/example] has not been started
H:\code\java\web\example\build.xml:476: FAIL - Encountered exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container StandardContext[/example] has not been started
I'm running Tomcat 5.0, Ant 1.6.1, JDK 1.4.2 on WinXP.
I've read over the Tomcat Application Developer's Guide and followed the steps to generating a hello world jsp app. I'm having a couple problems because it's not working as advertised. Please excuse that this is such novice material, but I'm trying to teach myself and it's always hardest the first few steps.
I build a basic jsp app using the standard docs,src,web directory structure. In web/ is a default.jsp containing only HTML for Hello World. I used their instructions for build.properties, build.xml, and web.xml. I made sure to specify the catalina.root, context root, application name, etc. Environment variables CATALINA_HOME, JAVA_HOME, and ANT_HOME are also set appropriately. Also the JDK bin and Ant bin are in the path.
When I run "ant" it compiles fine. When I run "ant install" it deploys fine. However, tells me the requested resource is not available.
Secondly, while trying to redeploy using "ant reload" I get the following error:
$ ant reload
Buildfile: build.xml
[reload] FAIL - Encountered exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container StandardContext[/example] has not been started
H:\code\java\web\example\build.xml:476: FAIL - Encountered exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container StandardContext[/example] has not been started
I'm running Tomcat 5.0, Ant 1.6.1, JDK 1.4.2 on WinXP.