I've developed a Perl script which runs on Unix/Linux servers and gets server information. Part of this script looks up things like /etc/release (or /etc/redhat-relase on Linux) and runs uname to get various OS info.
I've now been asked to find a way to run this script on our Windows servers. I looked at Cygwin and figured that was the best way of going about this. When I run the script on Cygwin I'm getting a lot of information -- however I am unable to get OS information related to Windows but instead am getting Cygwin data as output.
Does anyone know how I can run DOS commands, or even other unix commands, from Cygwin to find out the version of Windows etc.
Thanks for your help,
I've developed a Perl script which runs on Unix/Linux servers and gets server information. Part of this script looks up things like /etc/release (or /etc/redhat-relase on Linux) and runs uname to get various OS info.
I've now been asked to find a way to run this script on our Windows servers. I looked at Cygwin and figured that was the best way of going about this. When I run the script on Cygwin I'm getting a lot of information -- however I am unable to get OS information related to Windows but instead am getting Cygwin data as output.
Does anyone know how I can run DOS commands, or even other unix commands, from Cygwin to find out the version of Windows etc.
Thanks for your help,