My brother-in-law asked me to do some work on his old Packard Bell 486 sx. I reinstalled DOS 6.22 and Win 3.1 for him and was getting a "Disk 1 error" at boot up. It said, press F1 to continue, or F2 to get into the setu menu. So I went into the set up menu through F2 and found that disk 1 was defined as a 5.25 floppy drive instead of a 3.5". So I changed it and the error at boot went away. So I tried to get back into the setting at boot and can't seem to remember the proper keystrokes to use to get in, since it no longer propts me to use F2.(F2 at boot insn't getting me in there. I have tried F5, F8, shift + F5, shift + F8, delete, esc, ctrl esc, ctrl alt, ctrl alt del etc. but none of that is working. I set up win 3.1 to auto start in the aoutexec.bat but it still seems to be giving me enough time before it loads to be able to do a keystroke command. Any suggestions? I tried getting into FAQ's but it was unavailable at the time.